
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) Rushwaya, Chiyangwa split AAG

Rushwaya, Chiyangwa split AAG
by Staff Reporter
06/04/2011 00:00:00

THE Affirmative Action Group (AAG) has been rocked by a major split after founding leader Phillip Chiyangwa tried to impose disgraced former ZIFA CEO Henrietta Rushwaya as a vice president. The entire AAG board led by Supa Mandiwanzira has resigned in protest.

Rushwaya, axed as ZIFA CEO after he was fingered as the nexus of a match fixing scandal involving the national team, announced her new position in a newspaper, forcing the AAG board to issue a statement disowning her.

But Chiyangwa stepped into the row, revealing that he had appointed Rushwaya, claiming: “I am the founding president and I am the sole appointing authority.”

The AAG’s executive director Davison Gomo said: “The founders of the AAG believe that they have perpetual power to control the organisation. They believe that they have executive authority in spite of an executive authority running the organisation.

“If an organisation is privately and individually owned, the owner has a right to decide as he pleases. Mr Chiyangwa has made it very clear that he owns this organisation and he must do as he pleases. I think it in his interest to run AAG as he wants.”

The oft-radical lobby group which has been at the forefront of championing black economic empowerment had, among other members on its board, Mandiwanzira, Temba Mliswa, Advocate Farai Mutamangira and Sam Ncube.

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