
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Oasis Forum demands Kunda’s resignation

Oasis Forum demands Kunda’s resignation
By Chibaula Silwamba
Thu 07 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

VICE-President George Kunda must immediately resign failure to which President Rupiah Banda must fire him, the Oasis Forum demanded yesterday.

And Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) general secretary Reverend Suzanne Matale said the MMD government had failed the Zambian people on the constitution-making process.

Addressing a press briefing at the Catholic Church’s Kapingila Guest House in Lusaka, the Oasis Forum said Vice-President Kunda, who is also justice minister, had been misleading successive Republican presidents concerning the constitution-making process, hence costing taxpayers colossal sums of money.

The Oasis Forum is an umbrella of Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC), Law Association of Zambia (LAZ), CCZ, Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) and the Non Governmental Coordinating Council (NGOCC) advocating good governance, adherence to democratic tenets and constitution reforms.

The Oasis Forum said the failed constitution-making process was an indictment on the performance of Vice-President Kunda and Zambians would force him to resign.

“We call for his immediate resignation as an honourable thing to do or be fired,” said Beatrice Grillo, chairperson of the Oasis Forum and NGOCC, on behalf of the member groups.

“In the same vein, we lament the lack of political will of the President, Attorney General and political parties in general in promoting a democratic dispensation through a constitution-making process that is a driver for greater participation of all Zambians.”

The Oasis Forum demanded that the government unconstitutionally apologise to Zambians for the misapplication of resources in a process that failed to recognise and appreciate that a constitution was not a political manual but a good governance tool where all Zambians have a say and participate in its development process.

The Oasis Forum demanded that the government be held accountable for all the resources expended on the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) process since its commencement in 2007.

It said Vice-President Kunda's announcement in Parliament that the NCC cost Zambians in excess of K83 billion was a gross undervaluation of the expenditure because the original budget was K135 billion for a shorter period but the process was extended.

The Oasis Forum described the failed constitution process as a big scandal and denounced the government for underplaying the setback.

The Oasis Forum said it would be tragic to hold this year’s elections on the basis of the current Constitution.

“The Oasis Forum is of the considered view that it is possible to have a new constitution before this year's elections if there is political will. In short, we are saying that there is simply no justification for not concluding the constitution review process eight years after its commencement,” said Grillo, flanked by Rev Matale, ZEC secretary general Fr Cleophas Lungu and EFZ executive director Rev Pukuta Mwanza, though LAZ was not represented.

“It is our belief and recommendation to all Zambians and in particular the government of the day that the following road map, if implemented between now and the elections we can have a new constitution: (a) Creation of a lean technical committee of experts to validate Mung'omba Draft Constitution and report, (b) subjects the validated constitution to a referendum and (c) enactment of the adopted constitution by Parliament,” Grillo said.

The grouping said it would mobilise and organise Zambians for their participation in the referendum and sensitise and educate them on the need to repeal the current Constitution and not piecemeal amendments.

And Rev Matale said it was unfortunate that MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya claimed that the ruling party had not lost but the Zambians, after the collapse of the constitution-making process.
“If Zambians have lost then the MMD has failed,” said Rev Matale.

Rev Mwanza said the Oasis Forum would use non-violent means like a green ribbon and petitions to compel the government to heed their demands on the constitution-making process.

Last week on Tuesday, the Banda-MMD-led government failed to garner the required two-thirds majority vote to pass the Constitution of Zambia bill to second reading in the National Assembly.

The ruling MMD that has lost some parliamentary seats in by-elections has 78 legislators in a 158-member National Assembly.

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