
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ronnie threatens to close several radio stations

Ronnie threatens to close several radio stations
By Bright Mukwasa
Wed 27 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

INFORMATION minister Ronnie Shikapwasha has threatened to revoke licences for many radio stations, accusing them of fabricating stories. In an interview during the Intellectual Property Day commemorations yesterday, Lt Gen Shikapwasha also accused radio Yangeni of Mansa in Luapula Province of broadcasting fabricated stories.

He said the government was concerned about the manner in which some radio stations were operating. “That’s why many radio stations may lose their licences,” Lt Gen Shikapwasha said.

He accused Radio Yangeni of broadcasting a false story repeatedly regarding a young lady whose breasts were allegedly mutilated during the riot without disclosing the source, which he alleged amounted to fabrication.

He also said the government was still waiting for Radio Lyambai to submit more recordings of the programmes it used to run prior to its closure for scrutiny before it could decide its fate.

And Lt Gen Shikapwasha said the government was loosing huge sums of money due to piracy without mentioning any actual figure. He vowed that the government would crack down on piracy which was having negative effects on intellectual property.

National Arts Council of Zambia chairperson Mulenga Kapwepwe said without the protection of intellectual property there could be no development. She further commended the government for its efforts in fighting piracy.

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