
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Sata happy with PF manifesto’s reception

Sata happy with PF manifesto’s reception
By George Chellah
Tue 05 Apr. 2011, 04:02 CAT

THE recently unveiled PF manifesto has shamed our critics, says Michael Sata. Sata, who is opposition PF leader, yesterday said he was impressed that the recently launched party manifesto had been well received by the general public.

“In the past, due to our humble way of doing things and our close links with the grassroots, our party has been mocked by our critics as one without any tangible ideas and policies on how we intend to govern this country,” Sata said.

“But currently, we pride ourselves as the only political party in Zambia that has launched its manifesto and opened it up for the public to debate. That is a well-articulated and solid document, so our critics have been shamed.”

He said PF launched its manifesto earlier to enable the public understand the document.

“A manifesto shouldn't just be based on what the leaders are thinking. It needs to have the input of the people you intend to govern. It must leave the electorate satisfied even before they entrust us with their votes and I can proudly state that our manifesto is a masterpiece,” Sata said.

“That is why as PF, we want the people to freely criticise the document because that document covers a number of issues affecting this country. With that document… within 90 days Zambians will see the difference and genuine change shall surely come to this country.”

Sata urged other political parties to emulate the PF.

“I challenge other political parties as well to show the public their manifestos. Let them give the public ample time to scrutinise those documents that is if they even have them manifestos,” Sata said.
“Don't give the public historical documents, no. A manifesto should reflect a political party's latest position on many key issues concerning the governance of this country. Let them also launch their manifestos and advertise for the public to scrutinise them.

“It’s not just a matter of talking about policies and programmes give people something written, something concrete, which they can hold you accountable for in future. We know some of them are struggling to come up with sensible documents so we won't be surprised if they copy the PF manifesto.”

He said once in power, PF would ensure that plunderers were held accountable.

“We will ensure that simple things like having people to account for the money they stole either through the privatisation exercise or any other programmes are done,” Sata said. “We will make sure that what belongs to Zambians is returned to Zambians. Plunderers have to return the monies they have stolen.”

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