
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Senanga wants regime change

Senanga wants regime change
By By Brighton Phiri in Senanga
Sat 23 Apr. 2011, 03:59 CAT

SENANGA residents have called for regime change during the forthcoming presidential and general elections.

During the newsmakers forum organised by the Press Freedom Committee of The Post at Senanga Safaris lodge, Senanga residents said this year’s elections provided an opportunity for Zambians to elect into office leadership that would serve them better than the MMD.

“Time has come for regime change. This change must be beneficial to all. We do not need a change that will only benefit politicians and their relatives,” Edwin Shipanuka said. “It is time to mobilise ourselves for regime change.”

Shipanuka observed that many rural people lacked information that would assist them make informed decisions.

He commended the PFC for having chosen to organise their newsmakers forum in Senanga where the local people needed information to make the right choice during this year’s elections.

“We need more of such educative information to assist us take the right decisions,” said Shipanuka.

Reverend Daniel Nawa said Zambians should demand for a conditional change from all the political parties aspiring to serve them.

“We must not rely on good men and women to govern, but good laws and policies. Hence, we must demand for a good constitution and equitable resource distribution,” Rev. Nawa said.

“We must guard against ushering into office leadership that will only turn to be worse than MMD.”

Economic consultant Robert Sichinga reiterated that the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) stood a better chance of dislodging MMD.

“I am not a member of PF. But I think that it is much wiser to rally behind a political party that stands a better chance of meeting our desire for regime change and this is PF,” he said.

In Mongu, former Nalikwanda member of parliament Simasiku Kalumiana said it was time for Zambians to stand up and set up the pace for national development.

“It is a blessing that the draft constitution failed to win the majority vote in Parliament because it gives us chance to reflect and chart our way forward,” said Kalumiana.

And Sichinga said Zambians should acknowledge that their desire for regime change was a struggle for power and control of natural resources.

“Therefore, a party that is running government maybe resistant to losing authority and power,” said Sichinga.

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