
Saturday, April 09, 2011

(STICKY) You shouldn’t give up your fight for change, Sata urges Zambians

You shouldn’t give up your fight for change, Sata urges Zambians
By Misheck Wangwe
Sat 09 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

Michael Sata has urged Zambians not give up their fight for change. And Sata says he agrees with the Oasis Forum, which is demanding for the resignation of George Kunda who had been misleading successive Republican presidents on the constitution making process.

Featuring on a Patriotic (PF) Front sponsored live programme on Radio Phoenix yesterday, Sata said Zambians had suffered enough at the hands of the MMD and they should not give up their call for the change of government.

Sata, who is opposition PF leader, said the MMD did not deserve to be in government because they had destroyed the nation.

“Don’t listen to the propaganda of the MMD. Wake up early on polling day and cast your vote. You should not give up your fight for change.

PF is ready to transform the economy by strengthening our currency, creating jobs and restoring dignity in the lives of all Zambians who had been subjected to misery by the MMD,” Sata said.

He said Zambia was in need of leaders who would speak and attend to the needs of the silent majority.

Sata said it was sad that many young people had been frustrated and were failing to make progress in their lives because there were no employment opportunities for them.

“President Banda is busy advertising that he had built 17 bridges, schools, hospitals and that he had opened five new mines but they have not told us were this development is taking place. It is not there for the Zambians to see,” Sata said.

And Sata said George Kunda had already started paying for his deceit over the constitution making progress. He said it was sad that after 47 years of independence, Zambians were still wallowing in abject poverty because of political manipulation over the constitution.

“This is what happens when power gets into the heads of leaders. You cannot have a flimsy constitution for all these years. A constitution that protects the interests of those in power and not the people. We still have hope that Zambians will have a people driven constitution,” Sata said.

“In Zambia it depends with who you are in society. If you are rich you can kill and go scot-free. If you are poor you will rot in jail. The police use live bullets on defenceless people. Its all because they have no law that protects them.”

Meanwhile, Sata said the PF would buy an artificial leg for David Siyoto, whose leg was amputated after police shot him during the January 14 Mongu fracas over the Barotseland Agreement where two people were shot dead by police officers. He said the Constitution, being a supreme law of the land, must give power to the people and it must protect them.

And Sata said he had never advocated for laws that recognise homosexuality as alleged by the MMD.He said he was a strong Catholic Christian who believes that a man should be married to a woman.

He said homosexuality was a nuisance that could not be legalised in Zambia.

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