
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Police identify MDC-T thugs

COMMENT - It is clear that it is the MDC which has an incentive to create violence, to delegitimize the 2011 elections. You can already hear Morgan Tsvangirai going on about a 'climate of fear and intimidation'. It is their way of denying a victory to the ZANU-PF, and to deny the voice of the real people of Zimbabwe.

Police identify MDC-T thugs
By: Floyd Nkomo
Posted: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 5:03 am

A Zanu-PF supporter is beaten up by MDC-T youths at Warren Hills last Wednesday
POLICE have identified some of the MDC-T thugs who last Wednesday afternoon attacked several mourners, including Zanu-PF supporters who wanted to bury a colleague.

The youths were part of a group that was unveiling a tombstone at Warren Hills Cemetery at a function attended by MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai among other officials.

According to a police report, four policemen were injured while four commuter omnibuses, a marked police vehicle and several other cars in the cemetery were damaged by the stone throwing youths.

Mr Tsvangirai and the rest of the leadership left the scene without calling on their members to stop the violence.

Article continues below

It is believed that Mr Tsvangirai wants to create a situation of lawlessness in order to delay the elections slated for this year.

His MDC-T party is reportedly broke and unable to mount an election campaign against Zanu-PF at the forthcoming general election. (SEE HERE)

Harare provincial police spokesperson Inspector James Sabau yesterday said no arrests had been made and investigations were still in progress.

"We are verifying and identifying some of the suspects whose pictures came out in the local media as our investigations continue," he said.

He said they were also going to account for other suspects even though they did not appear in the media but were involved in the violence.

Insp Sabau said the police would not hesitate to bring to book anyone found on the wrong side of the law.

"We would also want to urge supporters that if they have their own differences at their workplaces, they should not politicise or use their political parties as an excuse to fight each other.

"Because information that we have is that some of these youths were touts who identified their colleagues and started attacking them," he said.

Last month, Police Commissioner-General Chihuri warned unruly elements behind political violence that the force was ready and out in full force to maintain law and order.

He said the force was going to remain resilient and very tough on the ground.

He said some MDC-T supporters were stage managing violence and created chaos to give an impression that there was mayhem and anarchy in the country, inorder to discredit forthcoming elections.

Recently MDC-T youths fought amongst themselves and three stones and bottles during a party leadership election in Matabeleland and Manicaland. (SEE HERE)

In Manicaland, MDC-T legislator Mr Innocent Gonese had to run for his life after youths loyal to one faction involved in the Manicaland provincial congress executive election sought to beat him up.

President Mugabe is on record calling on his partners in the inclusive Government to organise joint meetings with the Zanu-PF leadership to encourage rival party supporters to desist from political violence.

The President's call is still to be heeded.

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