
Monday, April 18, 2011

Zambia not affected by recalls, assures Toyota

Zambia not affected by recalls, assures Toyota
By Kabanda Chulu
Mon 18 Apr. 2011, 03:59 CAT

TOYOTA Motor Corporation has assured the Zambian market that it will not be affected by the recall of vehicles since the company has not yet supplied hybrid brands that have been experiencing faulty systems in other parts of the world.

And the government has challenged Toyota Zambia and other entities in the motor vehicle industry to explore opportunities available in the sector and start production of motor vehicle parts in the country.

In an interview following the commissioning of the remodelled and upgraded Toyota Zambia Copperbelt branch office complex on Friday, Toyota head of Africa strategic planning Yoshikata Shinhara said the challenges faced with the recall of some motor vehicles will not affect Zambia and the African continent in general.

“In fact, issues to do with the recall process have been resolved and it mainly affected hybrid brands which we have not yet started supplying the African markets,” he said.

He said the company had no immediate plans to set up a motor assembly plant in Zambia.

“We have five markets in the region and these are Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe and at the moment, the South African plant is able to supply these markets but when need arises, we shall consider opening assembly plants in one or two of the countries,” Shinhara said.

He said the Copperbelt was among promising markets in Africa.

“Hence, we have decided to make further investments of approximately US $3 million and expand our facility to provide excellent experience to people owning Toyota products,” he said.

And commerce, trade and industry minister Felix Mutati expressed optimism that Toyota Zambia would grow and become a major force in attracting investment into actual assembly or manufacturing of motor vehicles in the country.

“Zambia is endowed with various mineral resources that can be used as key components in the production of various motor vehicle parts and accessories and I challenge Toyota Zambia and other entities in the motor vehicle industry to explore opportunities available in the sector by starting local production of vehicle parts,” said Mutati in a speech read by Kitwe district commissioner McDonald Mtine.

And Copperbelt Toyota general manager Kennedy Kabaghe said the company was committed to its operations in Zambia and would enhance provision of high level of excellent services under the renovated office complex.

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