
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Africa should take stock of its achievements - Mayaki

Africa should take stock of its achievements - Mayaki
By Florence Bupe
Sat 28 May 2011, 03:59 CAT

AFRICA should take stock of its achievements and refocus its energies on addressing the political and economic challenges facing the continent, says NEPAD chief executive officer Dr Ibrahim Mayaki.

In his message to commemorate Africa Freedom Day, Dr Mayaki said African governments needed to critically assess their achievements and failures for an improved future.

“In thinking about Africa (Freedom) Day and the theme for this year, it is clear that we should all use this day to take stock of our achievements and to genuinely refocus our energies on addressing the challenges that we are faced with as Africans,” said Dr Mayaki on Wednesday.

This year’s Africa Freedom Day was commemorated under the theme ‘Accelerating Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development’.

Dr Mayaki said the recent uprisings in some parts of the continent were a reminder for African governments to assess their governance systems and find ways of averting possible conflicts in future by creating a spirit of contentment among the people.

He urged African governments to embrace the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) planning and coordinating agency as a vehicle for domestic and external resource mobilisation for the development of the continent.

“The myriad of crises, particularly the escalating oil prices, the high food prices and subsidy distortions in the global market, may make it look as if things are beyond our control.

However, as we celebrate Africa Freedom Day, I would like to call upon all Africans to remember that through NEPAD we have frameworks which possess practical solutions and corrective policies that can be used to address some of these challenges and bring about genuine socio-economic transformation,” said Dr Mayaki.

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