
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Arrest Global Fund fraudsters, NGOCC urges government

Arrest Global Fund fraudsters, NGOCC urges government
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 06 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

NGOCC says the failure by government to prosecute individuals that mismanaged money from the Global Fund is evidence that the MMD government has opened its doors to corruption.

The government has refunded K9.1 billion to Global Fund as part of the refund of the money that was misappropriated by the Ministry of Health.

In an interview, Non-Governmental Organisation Coordinating Council (NGOCC) board chairperson Beatrice Grillo said that it was shameful for the government to admit guilt of the stolen monies from the Global Fund but fail to prosecute those involved.

Grillo urged Zambians to rise and put a stop to corruption which the MMD government was institutionalising.

This is a typical example of the levels of the lack of concern on corruption by government. Why are we (Zambians) refunding the money?

Is it a sign of admission" Grillo asked. "If that is the case, are you telling me that the whole government of President Rupiah Banda cannot trace and prosecute those people that used the money" said Grillo.

Grillo said it was unacceptable for the government to pay back the stolen funds without making efforts to recover it from known principal recipients who mismanaged it.

"I can?t understand why this government has failed. If I speak against the government and if I do something wrong, they will find me, they will lock me up. Are they saying the whole contingent of officers like the one sent to Mongu to use live bullets on those innocent children who were asking for their rights cannot find the people who stole funds?" Grillo asked.

She said that the scenario could not be explained beyond corruption. "If that's not corruption, then I don?t know what corruption is.

For me it's either government is saying, "if this one goes then we all go", otherwise what other explanation can they give" Grillo said.

Remember we have not yet even recovered from the decision by government to remove the abuse of office clause. It is clear that this government is endorsing corruption. It?s really shameful sometimes when you go out of the country, you feel like burying your head.

In the UK the lawyers who were involved in Chiluba's case have been dismissed but we, the people concerned, are putting a red carpet for the culprit. It's a mockery and I feel Zambians should stand up and say enough is enough' Grillo.

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