
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Attacks on Catholics will lead MMD nowhere - Fr Miha

Attacks on Catholics will lead MMD nowhere - Fr Miha
By Moses Kuwema
Tue 24 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE MMD is digging its own grave through their attacks and arrogance on the Catholic Church, says Fr Drevensek Miha. In an interview, Fr Miha, who is Mission Press director, said the attacks were no longer aimed at criticising but were evil and, as such, would lead the MMD nowhere.

“We are not saints, we know that; but the present attacks, arrogance and evil that the MMD is projecting through public media, using our taxpayers’ money to spit at us goes beyond any perception,” Fr Miha said.

“People like Dora Siliya and many others could study the history of the Catholic Church to know better how we operate and what our call as a Church in any society and in the world is. Don't you remember Kenneth Kaunda, Frederick Chiluba and Fr Umberto with Icengelo magazine or Mwanawasa's family tree... This is our own history in Zambia.”

He said what the MMD was projecting in the public media was no longer just criticism of some individuals or of the Church but evil in itself.
He reminded the MMD that the Church was not a political party but was mandated by God to take care of the people in their spiritual and material life.

Fr Miha said it was unfortunate that the MMD was continuously using the public media which they had imposed on people through the TV levy to insult them, their leaders and anyone that did not dance to their tune of corruption, falsehood and double standards.

He wondered what kind of relationship MMD spokesperson Siliya was claiming existed between the MMD and the Catholic Church when the public media was continuously insulting the Church by carrying negative stories about the Church and never publishing any response on the accusations.

“Where is democracy here? This has become political pornography that they are promoting where truth loses its meaning to insults. What example does present media give to the young ones by continuously insulting those of different opinion? If you insult a priest, you are insulting all the Catholics, and people like Vice-President George Kunda as a 'practicing' Catholic by insulting his priests in preference to his party is spitting into his own plate he is eating from,” Fr Miha said.

“We hope that on the Judgment Day, his party leadership will receive him to eternity. Spitting at a moral authority means a betrayal to ones faith and so one becomes a traitor of the Church and the people.”

In a letter to all Catholics in Zambia to be read in all Catholic Churches on Ascension Sunday on June , 5 on the constant attacks on Catholics, Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) president Bishop George Lungu said Zambians had in the recent few months witnessed a growing barrage of attacks in the public media against the Catholic Church in Zambia, its leadership, priests and even its doctrine.

Bishop Lungu said the attacks on the Catholic Church would not win the MMD votes from their members in this year's elections.

ZEC directed the Catholic Secretariat to monitor the situation and, if the attacks continue, consider engaging lawyers and begin legal proceedings against those who are defaming and vilifying the Church, including the media houses that enable them do so.

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