Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ban calls for strong economies for LDCs

Ban calls for strong economies for LDCs
By Gift Chanda
Wed 11 May 2011, 04:00 CAT

UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has urged leaders of the world’s poorest countries meeting in Turkey to agree on a common position for economic growth.

According to a press release issued by the UN Information Center on Monday, Ban called on the third-world leaders to send a strong political message to the rest of the world on the importance of investing in the least developed countries to eradicate global poverty.

"The priority for the new programme of action is to build strong economies that can withstand external shocks," Ban told a summit of the leaders from 48 states on the eve of the opening of the Fourth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the Turkish city of Istanbul.

He called for the building of productive capacity and expanding opportunities for decent employment for people in LDCs.

“It means guaranteeing space for civil society and the private sector to operate. It means expanding the provision of essential services – education, health, infrastructure and social safety nets, especially for nutrition security,” Ban said.

“To achieve this, you will need the engagement of a wide range of partners traditional donors, emerging economies and the world of business,” said Ban, urging the leaders “not to allow the new atmosphere of global austerity to undermine progress”.

He said implementation of resolutions that would be made at the end of the conference must be priority.

"Even when we leave Istanbul with a comprehensive programme of action, there will be no time to relax. The promises made here in Istanbul must become promises kept,” said Ban.

President Rupiah Banda is among the world leaders attending the summit. In his keynote speech, President Banda said tackling poverty remained Zambia's key priority.

The conference will assess the implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action – the outcome document adopted at the 2001 LDC conference – and to reach agreement on a new set of support measures for the 48 nations classified as LDCs.

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