
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dr Nkowani attributes high levels of deforestation to poverty

Dr Nkowani attributes high levels of deforestation to poverty
By Ndinawe Simpelwe
Wed 18 May 2011, 03:40 CAT

GOVERNMENT says the high levels of deforestation are a symptom of the economic challenges the Zambians are facing.

Dr Kenneth Nkowani, a director at the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, said it was difficult to end the deforestation in the country because the majority were living in poverty.

Dr Nkowani said most Zambians relied on natural resources to survive and a solution to deforestation could only be found if the economic situation improved.

He said the high levels of deforestation had also contributed to climate change.
“We need to improve the lives of the people for us to address a lot of issues.

Climate Change is affecting the globe at the moment and we have played our part in the emission of green house gases,” Dr Nkowani said.

He said Zambia was one of the most hit countries by deforestation in Africa with about 280,000 to 300,000 hectares of forest lost every year.

He said there was need to take electricity to all parts of the country to ensure that those who relied on charcoal and firewood could access power.

“The rural sector entirely depends on charcoal or firewood for many things but even in urban areas people are using charcoal because they cannot afford to use electricity all the time,” he said.

He said there was need to improve the employment levels and education of rural people so that they understood the importance of overcoming climate change.

“The bigger challenge is the forestry department which has become weak. The department is facing challenges of funding and staffing and that is why people find it easy to cut down trees,” said Dr Nkowani.

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