
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dr Scott charms Chadiza

Dr Scott charms Chadiza
By Christopher Miti in Chadiza
Sat 21 May 2011, 04:02 CAT

GUY Scott has asked Chadiza residents to have confidence in themselves so that the dream of change is realized this year. Addressing a rally at Chikoloka village in Chilenga ward on Thursday, Scott, the PF vice-president, said the people’s dreams of 1991 were not realised but now people had the dreams seeks change in f 2011, which should not be stopped.

“Don’t stop the dream; continue to have confidence in yourselves so that you make the right judgment. Many of us were in government before and we know what we are talking about. Rupiah Banda was a manager of Namboard but he failed to perform and Namboard went under,” Scott said.

He said President Rupiah Banda’s government should be voted out because it had failed to deliver to the Zambian people.
“My father was white and Welensky was white but he helped to chase Welensky because he was gong’a fake.

That’s how we sort people out in politics not because they are different from you but because they are not doing the job. So when we are asking you to thamangitsa chase Rupiah, we are not saying he is not of your tribe. We know he is your bululu relative but he has not done the job,” Scott said. “I know him very well.

I used to sing a song for him and I changed the song recently. The Vimbuza sing it in Lundazi and it goes like this: “the hour the hour lero ina nthenda the hour” I know Rupiah is a friend of mine but that is not a reason to chase him from State House.”

He said President Banda was running a corrupt regime.
Scott said MMD had neglected the road infrastructure like the Chipata/Vubwi road, which had no bridges.

He said copper was making a lot of profit but Zambians were not benefiting from its sales.

Scott urged the farmers to diversify their crop production to cushion themselves from eventualities such as drought.
Scott urged people not to believe the MMD propaganda that PF supports homosexuality.

PF vice-national chairperson Solomon Mbuzi said time for change had come.
Mbuzi urged the people of the province to follow the wind of change.
PF provincial political secretary Caroline Mwanza urged Chadiza residents not to be swayed by the MMD’s propaganda about PF and its leader Michael Sata.

And headman Chikomba, who represented 13 other headmen who were equally in attendance, hoped that the PF would implement its promises because the people were facing problems to access markets, education and other necessities.

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