
Monday, May 16, 2011

(HERALD) Govt completes tender process for winter wheat

Govt completes tender process for winter wheat
Thursday, 12 May 2011 20:34

GOVERNMENT has completed the tender process to procure more Compound D fertiliser and seed under its US$10 million facility for the 2011 winter wheat season. Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development Minister Joseph Made said GMB would distribute the inputs.

The inputs would complement the US$2,5 million, last season's carry over inputs that have already been distributed to farmers.

"This US$10 million facility is part of the US$26,2 million Government has set aside for this winter season. US$11 million was channelled towards rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure while the other US$5,2 million was for inputs.
"The onus is on the farmers now to do serious planting even though we are already behind schedule," Minister Made said.
Wheat planting is supposed to start on the first of May or even earlier every year.
The planting period ends on May 15 or slightly later depending on the agro-ecological region of the farmer.
This year's winter wheat season was expected to start in April in line with the prevailing weather patterns.
The planting cut-off date is now five days away and farmers have not yet accessed all the vital inputs.
This is likely to reduce the hectarage under wheat this season.
"We are already behind in terms of the agronomy of the wheat crop and when farmers say that Government is always ill-prepared for all seasons, they are right.
"Everything has to go through the tender process that usually takes time to be finalised.
"Of course, Government support is always inadequate, which calls for the farmers to mobilise their own resources too," he said.
Minister Made challenged banks to mobilise resources and compliment Government efforts in raising capital to finance GMB operations for it to pay for produce delivered.
Minister Made said load-shedding was grossly compromising farmers' capacity to irrigate and manage their crop.
"Our target yield is way off now because of poor timing.
"Wheat is a very sensitive crop that does not do well under poor irrigation schedules like those farmers have to do under intense load shedding," he said.
Minister Made said irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation would continue to boost productivity for smallholder farmers who lack capacity to sustain their activities independently.
The Meteorological Services Department has predicted a favourable long winter wheat growing season.

1 comment:

  1. Basic objective of floating global government tender is to enable overseas entrepreneurs to compete healthily with domestic entrepreneurs. There are lots of tender notice issued on regular basis. You just need to grab the right one.
