
Saturday, May 21, 2011

(HERALD) Zanu PF against new election roadmap

Zanu PF against new election roadmap
Friday, 20 May 2011 22:32
From Munyaradzi Huni in Windhoek, Namibia

ZANU-PF is "totally against the idea of a new election roadmap" and maintains that the GPA, which clearly states that elections should be held this year, remains the only roadmap, the party's chairman Cde Simon Khaya Moyo has said.

The party's position paper to the Extraordinary Summit being held here states that the three political parties to the GPA have failed to work together for the development of the country and elections should be held this year.

"As a party, we maintain that the GPA remains the only election road map.

"We are totally against the idea of a new election roadmap as it means re-negotiating the GPA instead of implementing it," said Cde Khaya Moyo.

He added: "It is a fact the three parties to the GPA have failed to work together as a team for the development of the country.

"They have failed, for example, to fight the illegal sanctions together, to support the agrarian reform together, and have failed to speak with one voice on the indigenisation and people's economic empowerment thrust led by Zanu-PF . . .

"The party will religiously adhere to the tenets of the GPA and ensure its full implementation.

"This is the reason why we are saying we need to go for elections this year and not next year as this is consistent with the provisions of the GPA.

"The GPA clearly stipulates that elections should be held two years after the formation of the inclusive government and this is the reason Zanu-PF is maintaining that elections should be held this year after the completion of the constitution-making process.

"The GPA envisaged the completion of the constitution-making process within 18 months after the GPA came into force.

"This has not been achieved because of MDC-T's strategy to delay the holding of elections by boycotting sessions of Copac on very flimsy excuses.

"In addition, the donor community and the Government through the Ministry of Finance which is under the control of the MDC-T have delayed releasing funds for the process."

He said Zanu-PF was disturbed that the MDC formations were not lobbying for the removal of sanctions which "they continue to call restrictive and targeted measures," adding that sanctions were affecting every Zimbabwean including even MDC supporters.
He said Zanu-PF abhors violence in whatever form and from whom so-ever.

Said Cde Khaya Moyo: "The only way forward is for the parties to the GPA to speedily conclude the constitution-making process and allow the people of Zimbabwe to proceed to a referendum and harmonised elections.

"The current delaying tactics employed by the MDC formations is a recipe for political and economic instability. Zimbabwe cannot afford such political gimmick.
"There is no cohesion in the inclusive Government and prolonging the constitution-making process can never be the solution."

l See full text of Zanu-PF's position paper on Page 5

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