
Thursday, May 05, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) Annual population growth rate ‘ outwits ‘ job creation rate

COMMENT - I just saw a tv gidget on population growth, 'especially in Africa' - I guess everone has just 'forgotten' about the so-called HIV epidemic, which was supposed to depopulate large parts of Africa (if anyone remembers the 1980s and 1990s). Beware of messaging and manipulation. Whenever capitalism fails, instead of changing the system, the cry becomes 'there are too many people'. I would say there are too few people in Africa. We need more people for agriculture, manufacturing, infrastructure, etc.

Annual population growth rate ‘ outwits ‘ job creation rate
TIME PUBLISHED - Thursday, May 5, 2011, 2:49 pm

Kalabo District Commissioner (DC ) Jeff Nalishuwa says the annual population growth rate of the nation of 2.8 percent does not correspond with the job creation rate rate in the nation.

Mr. Nalishuwa says that there has increasing unemployment in the formal sector. The area DC was speaing when he officiated at this year’s Labour Day Celebrations in Kalabo last Sunday.

He indicated that government has come up with institutions such as the Citizen Empowerment Commission [CEEC] to help citizens initiate entrepreneurship projects.

” This was one way the country could create more employment and depend less on foreign investors who could decide to relocate to other countries when they felt like doing so, ” he said.

The D.C. said that government would like to see more Zambians involved in establishing manufacturing industries and thus create job security, equity and decent employment.

This is as reflected in the Sixth National Development Plan [SNDP], whose strategic focus was realizing broad-based pro-poor growth,employment creation and human development, he said.

And speaking at the same function, Zambia Congress of Trade Union [ZCTU] Kalabo District Secretary Mukanwa Mukanwa says his union was aware of increased some unscrupulous employers who were victimizing and exploiting Zambian workers.

Mr. Mukanwa said this was the said employers, mostly foriegners were deliberately taking advantage of the high unemployment rate in the country.

He said that said that extreme poverty in Zambia has bred a dangerous working environment were many workers were willing to suffer abuse by their employers for fear of losing the little they earn.


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