
Sunday, May 29, 2011

MMD has departed from initial ideals - Nachilongo

MMD has departed from initial ideals - Nachilongo
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Sun 29 May 2011, 07:20 CAT

THE MMD’s failure to alleviate poverty is the reason why they will lose this year’s elections, says PF Copperbelt Province vice-chairlady Dorothy Nachilongo. And PF Chisokone branch chairperson Mulunda Mwaanza has urged PF leaders across the country to embrace the spirit of love and tolerance towards each in order to remain united and focused to win this year’s general elections.

In a statement, Nachilongo observed that the MMD had departed from its initial ideals hence many people perceived it as a failed party in terms of running government.

Nachilongo, who is also a former diplomat, observed that President Rupiah Banda was surrounded by a lot of deceitful people that were telling him lies.

“They are lying to him that his policies are being appreciated and liked by many Zambians when in fact the situation on the ground is the opposite,” Nachilongo said.

She said many Zambians were disappointed with the MMD’s failure to improve people’s living standards which she said had deteriorated over the years.

Nachilongo added that Zambians wanted to have a president that would side with the masses on many issues affecting them as opposed to one who always sided with foreigners.

She urged all Zambians to secure their voters cards and ensure that they remove the MMD from power because it had failed them.
And Mwaanza urged all PF members and leaders to put the party’s interest first in the daily execution of their duties and avoid in-fighting at this crucial time of elections.

Mwaanza observed that in the midst of unity, the MMD would fail to find a platform to cheat, bribe and entice the electorate with all sorts of things.
He urged PF members to take advantage of the party’s national popularity to explain to the people what the PF would do if elected into office.

Meanwhile, Mwaanza said it was illogical for the MMD to claim that it cares for Zambians by engaging in vague empowerment schemes at the eleventh hour when the same government had failed to care for retirees as could be evidenced by the long time it took to give them their dues.

“We have so many retirees who have not been paid their dues. The MMD government has been telling these retirees to exercise patience because it has no money to pay them. Interestingly, money to entice the electorate is found without any difficulties,” observed Mwaanza.

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