
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ng’oma urges ECZ to finalise electoral code

Ng’oma urges ECZ to finalise electoral code
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 31 May 2011, 07:10 CAT

Dr Alex Ng’oma has appealed to the ECZ to quickly make the Electoral Code of Conduct that will be used in this year’s elections available.

And Dr Ng’oma has questioned the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s (ECZ) failure to immediately address breaches of the electoral laws that forbids traditional leaders from endorsing presidential candidates.

In an interview, Dr Ng’oma, who is Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP), said in an interview that credibility and fairness of the elections was premised on proper adherence to the country’s electoral laws and guildlines.

“We have actually seen that campaigns have kicked off and have begun to gain momentum, and it is important for ECZ (Electoral Commission of Zambia) to finalise and approve the Electoral Code of Conduct that should spell out the do’s and don’ts in this year’s elections,” Dr Ng’oma.

He said that although FODEP had welcomed the move by ECZ to review the code of conduct, it regretted that the exercise was a wasted one as the new code was based on the electoral laws provided in the draft constitution under the failed National Constitutional Conference that failed in Parliament.

He said this meant that Zambia would go to the polls with the old Electoral Code of Conduct, describing the situation as rather unfortunate.

“This is the challenge that we have. This means that the new electoral code which would have given the commission more power to enforce it cannot work. The old one on the other hand is weak when it comes to enforcement,” Dr Ng’oma said.

He said there was need for the electoral players to exhibit goodwill and integrity in the process, to avoid any incidents that would agitate the Zambians prior, during and after the elections.

“FODEP is sending a very strong appeal to the ECZ to ensure that what is written in the code of conduct is adhered to by all political stakeholders. We need level headedness, considering the fact that the country may be going into the elections with ‘malfunction’ document and avoid things that will be detrimental to the elections,” he said.

And Dr Ng’oma said that it was unfortunate that lapses had already been seen in the manner ECZ was handling measures to ensure a level playing field for all political parties ahead of elections.

“We find it very strange that our royal highnesses are breaching the electoral code of conduct. The failure to stop that by ECZ is promoting lawlessness in the electoral process because it is illegal for chiefs to endorse a presidential candidate,” Dr Ngoma said.

He expressed sadness that the government had failed to condemn the act of chiefs to openly endorse candidates of their preferences because this was in their favour.

“Lawbreakers must not only be prosecuted if they are not in favour of the party in power. There should be a fair and objective prosecution of electoral cases,” said Dr Ng’oma.

Recently, Anti-Voter Apathy Project executive director Bonnie Tembo complained about the delay by the Ministry of Justice to finalise the Electoral Code of Conduct.

Tembo said there was need to finalise the code because some of the clauses which were included in the reviewed document bordered on the new constitution which failled to go through Parliament recently. Tembo said it was important to have the code now so that all stakeholders could familiarise themselves with it.

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