
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

PF is forming govt this year - Mpombo

PF is forming govt this year - Mpombo
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wed 25 May 2011, 04:00 CAT

GEORGE Mpombo says the thunderous welcome accorded to Michael Sata in Western Province is an indicator that the revolutionary mood is unstoppable and that PF will form government this year.

And Mpombo, an MMD member of parliament for Kafulafuta Constituency, says President Rupiah Banda does not mind losing this year’s elections because he has economically rehabilitated himself from his poverty days at the farm.

Commenting on Sata’s visit to Western Province last weekend where he held a campaign meetings attended by thousands of locals, Mpombo said the electrifying visit and successful rallies were a clear indication that PF has crossed the political rubicon and Sata is within striking range of Presidency.

“It’s a very clear indicator that Sata now, than ever before, is within striking range of State House and people at State House must start preparing handover notes.

Furthermore, the Western Province scenario clearly shows that MMD is now in a very serious political coup-de-sac, meaning that MMD is locked in a terrible political imbroglio because they were banking on Western Province as their stronghold,” Mpombo said.

“Mr Sata’s visit has also managed to confine the MMD to the dustbin of history. The visit is a strong indicator that the people of Western Province have resolved in a very explicit manner their desire to debunk the MMD because of its poor performance and lack of respect for human life.”

He said Sata’s visit had clearly fettered and handicapped MMD.
He said the ruling party had suffered defeat and the best the MMD and its leadership could do would be to start packing their bags.

“With the arrival of PF in Western Province it means the PF has Northern, Copperbelt, Lusaka including Western Province while MMD can only talk of a divided Eastern Province and divided Central Province. As a party, you can tell that they are actually on their way out,” Mpombo said.

He said the warm reception accorded to Sata clearly showed that people of Western Province were not going to waste their time and vote for braggadocios that were just concerned about themselves and bragging about the money they looted from state enterprises.

“These MMD are selfish people who have exploited our people and will have nothing to give. What they have looted is for themselves; not to give to other people and not even their relatives who live in abject poverty,” Mpombo said.

“People of Western Province have shown that they are not interested in cheap tribalists whom they are not going to allow to patronise them on cheap and empty lines because they are interested in development. People of Western Province have lagged behind for too long.”

He said a tsunami of revolutionary political change was coming this year and individuals that wanted to standby would be swept away.

He further described President Banda as a cruel person who did not even acknowledge that the development projects he was commissioning were started by the late president Levy Mwanawasa.

“The so-called economic… whatever, people know that it’s political hogwash,” Mpombo said. “Mr Banda does not mind MMD losing elections because he has sufficiently rehabilitated himself economically. Even if he is thumped at the next elections, the issues of leaving will not be there.

He is comfortable; he has amassed so much money within a short period of only two years. He is a millionaire in US dollars, not local dollars. He doesn’t mind about MMD losing. That is why he is careless.”

He said the MMD had resorted to very desperate political activity of disparaging opposition party leaders but the ruling party would still lose the elections.
“This muck-wracking exercise is just a worst exercise in political snooping.

It won’t help them. People have already formed their own opinions. Very few people have respect for muck wracking because this is only done when the other guy is in problems and they want to stop somebody using muck-wracking,” Mpombo said. “Usually muck-wracking has no substance because it’s only used as a fear-mongering political game; it doesn’t work.”

He said the MMD, in connivance with some opposition parties, had embarked on relentless attacks on Sata.

“A gang of political spoilers, who reduced their political parties to affiliates of the MMD, has emerged and they are working in cahoots with the MMD in order to stop Mr Sata,” Mpombo said.

“They are not interested in the interest of mother Zambia; their interest is just to stop Mr Sata and ensure that MMD wins because they realise that their own political careers have gone kaput.”
Mpombo cited the UPND as one of the spoiler parties whose aim was just to frustrate Sata’s bid to become President of Zambia.

“This is a very important and historic mission; we must not allow it to be hijacked by desperate political spoilers masquerading as genuine opposition leaders.

They just want to mess up the political landscape. They want to give MMD chance to continue with political and economic looting of the country,” Mpombo said.

Mpombo denounced MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya, whom he said had ‘gone bananas’, for appointing herself as spokesperson for all Zambians, particularly people of Western Province.

“Dora Siliya’s political meningitis must be stopped,” Mpombo said.
He expressed concerned about Siliya’s attacks on the Catholic Church’s leadership.

“Why is Dora talking about everything? The poor and tragic leadership which has enveloped MMD because of Mr Rupiah Banda’s incapacity has allowed only one misguided person, Dora Siliya, to go on a spree of destruction of the party,” Mpombo said. “Everyday, she is insulting leaders of the churches.

She says she is not insulting the Church, but, Bishop Banda; but surely, Bishop Banda is important and runs a flock. Dora is insulting the kingmakers, the Catholic Church are the kingmakers. MMD will reap very humiliating consequences because of Dora’s mischief.”

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