
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rupiah’s popularity claim in W/Province a fallacy - Milupi

Rupiah’s popularity claim in W/Province a fallacy - Milupi
By Kombe Chimpinde
Wed 18 May 2011, 04:00 CAT

CHARLES Milupi says the damage President Rupiah Banda has done to the people of Western Province is irreparable and it is a fallacy to still claim popularity.

And Milupi said Zambians should be cautious of President Banda’s claims of victory in this year’s elections because it could be an indication of impending rigging. In an interview, ADD president Milupi advised President Banda to prepare himself to leave office honorably as opposed to giving himself false hope.

“Because of the many atrocities he has caused against the people of Western Province he has reached a point of no return, let alone corrupt activities that have been raised against him,“ said Milupi who is also Luena member of parliament.

He said Vice-President George Kunda was the last man any responsible person could trust.

Milupi’s comments come in the wake of President Banda’s statement last Saturday that Vice-President Kunda assured him that there was massive support for the MMD in Western Province.

He said it was irresponsible for President Banda to believe Vice-President Kunda who had misled him on a number of issues.

“Vice-President Kunda is the worst person that the President could believe, judging by how he deceived him on the constitution making process from the onset,” Milupi said.

“He misled the President that the members of NCC who were representing the people did not want the bill of rights and many other important clauses to be included.

When the constitution went into committees he assured the President that the bill 2010 constitution bill was going to make it. He further assured the President as head of government business, that the MMD would meet the two thirds majority for the bill to pass.”

He wondered how President Banda could believe Vice-President Kunda and yet his Milupi’s recent visit to Mongu and Kalabo’s Gonda and Mapungu revealed that the MMD were not wanted in the area.

“Kunda has absolutely no understanding of what Western Province wants. That is why he has caused so many blunders that have cost the MMD in Western Province,” Milupi said.

“Kunda has massively misled his President on matters of the 1964 Barotse Agreement as Minister of Justice and they are now accusing those that were calling for the restoration of the agreement of calling for secession of Western Province from the rest of the country. He has also misled him into ordering the police to shoot innocent people.

“Now, I can tell you that nobody in Western Province can be happy that their brothers were being shot, injured, killed, maimed and some of them with legs amputated while some continue to die. Because of misjudgment they have had to enter nolles. From treason charges, they have gone to behavior likely to cause a breach of peace. That’s ridiculous.”

And Milupi said people should be wary of the MMD’s claims of victory because it had lost support.

“For people to claim something contrary to what is on the ground, to me is indicative of their intention to bulldoze the election process. What they are trying to do is to set up and prepare people’s minds. So that when they carry out their rigging they will tell people that, ‘we told you that we have massive support’,” said Milupi.

“They have lost support because of their ungratefulness to the people that voted for them and Kunda’s ill advice to the President.”

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