
Monday, May 23, 2011

SACCORD raises concerns over MMD’s abuse of public media

SACCORD raises concerns over MMD’s abuse of public media
By Roy Habaalu and Brina Manenga
Mon 23 May 2011, 04:00 CAT

PROFESSOR Geo-ffrey Lungwangwa should not insult the intelligence of Zamb-ians by claiming that MMD is not manipulating the public media, says Lee Habasonda.

Commenting on Prof Lungwagwa’s statement that ministers are inseparable from politics, Habasonda who is Southern African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) executive director said as a party in power, the MMD just manage things on behalf of the people.

“Zambia is a multiparty and for educated citizens, a Professor for that matter, it’s disastrous... if he (Lungwangwa) has nothing to say, he better keep quiet,” Habasonda said.

“The essence of democracy is measured on how you restrain yourself from abusing power from government. It doesn’t mean that when you are in power then everybody is stupid. You need to rule by just means, that’s the whole ingredient of democratic governance.”

Habasonda said it was shameful that Prof Lungwangwa, as an educated politician, would sink so low and take leave of his services. He warned that a day of reckoning for the MMD’s abuse of power will soon come. Habasonda said no voice that criticised government was given space in the public media.

“Voices criticising government are alienated. Why should a minister inspecting government projects be dressed in MMD regalia? It’s unacceptable and will make them get less votes,” he said.

And Habasonda said that the biased coverage by the public media is a source of concern and conflict. He said the role of the public media was to give equal coverage to all political parties but it was unfortunate that such was not the case.

“The scenarios in which different opinions are being carried in the public media are certainly a source of deep concern and conflict. Only one section of the political parties, churches and NGOs is privileged to have their views carried. This is done despite other sections being composed of bonafide Zambians,” Habasonda said.

He said tthe practice was divisive and against national interest, adding that the continued abuse of the public media was contributing to tension in the country.

“As a people, we need to get to a point where we allow our people’s diversities to be reflected in its reality in our media. Manipulation and propaganda cannot yield any genuine support for anybody but only alienates government from its people,” he said.

“We call for a stoppage to public media interference and propaganda against sections of its citizens. We urge for separation of government and ruling party functions.”

Habasonda said there was no denying that the public media was being abused.

“Yes it is abuse, it is a case of discrimination and it is not correct. All right thinking Zambians should condemn it. We want to encourage the public media, in the spirit of patriotism to the country, to provide a platform for all competing political players,” said Habasonda.

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