
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sata brings Mongu to a standstill

Sata brings Mongu to a standstill
By George Chellah in Mongu
Sun 22 May 2011, 04:02 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata yesterday brought Mongu to a standstill when hundreds of women, men and children lined up along the road to welcome him as he made his way from the airport into Mongu town.

And later in the afternoon Sata addressed a mammoth rally at Blue Gums ground and promised to develop Barotseland in different areas within the first 90 days of PF in government.

When the plane carrying Sata landed around 10:20 hours, there was a huge crowd waiting to catch a glimpse of him. They shouted, as they waved the PF symbol, that PF was the only party they could look up to. Many others shouted, “mwamukolo, mwamukolo (in the boat, in the boat).

As Sata was being driven to the lodge in town, several people lined up the road on both sides chanting pro-Sata and PF slogans. When the PF leader got to the lodge, the whole place was crowded. The PF security had to restrain the crowd from breaking the cordon around Sata. The enthusiastic and cheering crowd was advised to go straight to the rally site but they refused insisting that they see Sata.

After a shortwhile, Sata left the lodge for Radio Liseli for a special programme and the crowd still followed him there.

And during the programme at Oblate Radio Liseli, Sata advised people to ignore the propaganda the MMD was spreading against him.

He said the fliers containing hate messages, which have been distributed in Mongu were from the MMD.

“MMD are murderers. It’s not the Linyungandambo. And MPs from Barotseland have never protested against the murders that took place,” Sata said. “The Linyungandambo are peaceful, loving people, they want the children to be employed. They are also fighting for the suffering MMD members.”

Sata condemned MMD members of parliament from Western Province for not speaking for the people.

“Some people have been left with one leg and nobody is even talking about compensation. Can Mulyata, Lungwangwa and all other MPs here…how would they feel if it were their own children or mothers who were brutalised? We have never heard Mulyata even whisper over the brutality,” Sata said.

“Our people in Barotseland are lonely and as they are lonely we need to encourage them. I did not come during the fracas because I would have been accused of inciting them. Brutality is not the answer.”

Sata said in the past, MMD had spread a lot of lies about him.

“They were saying if people vote for me I would bring war. They were also saying I would throw people that are HIV positive in the Zambezi River. They were also saying that I will annex this province to Angola,” Sata said. “When they said I was going to bring war a few months ago, was it Sata who brought war here when people merely complained?”

Sata also read out one of the message on one of fliers which had been distributed by the MMD in Mongu.

The message read: “Be informed that Saturday 21st May 2011 will be a very dangerous day to move about in Barotseland because the Linyungandambo will blow Sata’s head off and kill all his supporters.
Sata is a traitor, mocker and a snake that can bite you to death and fail to eat you.”

“This is a lie, it was not done by Linyungandambo. It was done by MMD,” Sata said.

He advised people to dismiss the MMD’s propaganda against him concerning homosexuality.

On issues of development, Sata said Western Province remained the poorest province followed by Northern Province. He said there was need to harness resources in the province such as timber production to ensure it benefited the people.

“In Western Province, 47 years after independence you still have districts that have no electricity, districts that are operating on diesel,” he said.

Sata said PF’s plan was to ensure that each district had a secondary school and health centre. He further said there was need for decentralisation of power.

“You cannot run a government from Lusaka alone. The Baroste Royal Establishment were not elected, they were created by God. King Lewanika left canals. What have we done with those canals? Has MMD dug any canals?” asked Sata.

“What we need to do is to develop Barotseland and Zambia as a whole is to give back power which we removed from the BRE. Don’t just give BRE authority, give them money as well. PF can’t do everything from Lusaka. We have BRE here. Give the chiefs authority to supervise agriculture. Give the chiefs power to supervise tourism.”

And Sata said there was need to work on road infrastructure in the province. He said roads such as the Mongu-Kalabo road, Sesheke-Senaga, Kalabo-Sikongo road and many others needed to be worked on.

He also complained about the lack of drugs for animals in Western Province.

“When PF comes into power, we will look at the health of the people and the health of animals too because Barotseland has a lot of animals,” he said.

Sata said PF would put up a bridge across the Zambezi River to enable people cross from Senanga to Shangombo.

“It will help in bringing animals and taking veterinary services to the people if we put up the bridge,” he said.

Sata said PF had on several occasions openly stated that issues surrounding the Baroste Agreement were critical and were a prerequisite for the development of Western Province.

“No sensible leader or political party can dispute this agreement that gave rise to Zambia. It is a valid agreement. The abrogation of this agreement was through an Act of Parliament which changed the whole system of local government,” Sata said.

“The restoration of this agreement has therefore to be done through the same Parliament. If there any other issues which the people feel should be addressed through the Constitution, then space has to be provided through the constitution making process to find a lasting solution. The PF in government will not have direct control over the constitution because it will be a people-driven constitution and it will be the people to decide what constitution they want. The PF will be a mere facilitator.”

And PF national chairperson Inonge Wina said the people of Western Province were ready for change.

“The soil is right for change,” Wina said.

And later in the afternoon Sata addressed a mammoth rally at Blue Gums ground. He said the struggle for independence became easier when young women and men from Barotseland joined in. He said after the demise of Barotse nationalists, Barotseland has only remained with job seekers and not leaders.

“The whole of Barotseland you have 17 MPs. Those are only job seekers,” Sata said.

“All of you must shake us the leaders who are sleeping. Don’t send children to go and fight, you have to stand up and be counted.”

Sata said President Rupiah Banda was cheating the people of Barotseland about building a road to Kalabo.

“When I was in Parliament, MPs from here were talking about the Kalabo-Kalongola road. Is there a road from Kalabo to Kalongola,” Sata asked as the people shouted, “no,no,no.” “The choice is yours. If you want change, don’t look for change for Michael Sata, look for change for yourselves.”

Sata said PF would ensure that there was better housing for all in Western Province.

“This struggle for Barotseland which was started by the Linyungandambo is our struggle all of us in all the provinces,” Sata said. “Let them kill me if they want. Your problems are my problems. Within 90 days of PF, you will see change. We want a road from Limulunga to Mbwanjikana up to Kalabo and Sikongo. We have to turn these plains into food baskets.”

Sata said all districts in Barotseland shall be electrified.

“Every chiefdom shall have a secondary school and every parish shall have a secondary school. We shall see if we can raise enough money to build you your own university,” he said.

Sata praised those who were injured and killed during the Barotse fracas in January for their bravery. He urged people to protect each other and ensure that they make Zambia a better place. He said PF shall implement the Barotse agreement once in power.

Meanwhile, some victims of the January 14 fracas over the Barotseland Agreement in Mongu were paraded at the rally and Sata said PF would do something to help them cope with their new challenges because some of them have had their legs amputated.

Sata said PF was also with all those who are currently imprisoned in Mumbwa. He asked the party lawyers to follow up the matter closely.

Sata is accompanied by PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba, national chairperson Inonge Wina and other party officials who included Given Lubinda, Charles Banda, Willie Nsanda, Wylbur Simusa, Jean Kapata, Col Jerry Chanda and PF deputy secretary general Bridget Atanga, among others.

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