
Thursday, May 19, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Sadc not divided on Zimbabwe, says envoy

Sadc not divided on Zimbabwe, says envoy
By Brett Mashingaidze at
19 May, at 07 : 36 AM Print

THE Namibian ambassador to Zimbabwe, Dr Panduleni-Kaino Shingenge whose country is the current Sadc chair, has scoffed at independent media reports alleging that the regional body is divided over Zimbabwe.

Speaking on Wednesday, Ambassador Shingenge said there is unity in the region and implored on media practitioners to practice ‘responsible journalism’ and support the unity that the leaders are fostering in the region.

She said all is set for the Sadc summit which is planned for this Friday in Windhoek and that the Heads of State and Government have confirmed their participation in the summit.

“The Sadc summit in Namibia on Friday is going on as scheduled, I am not aware of anything to the contrary,” she said.

SADC Heads of State and Government converge in Windhoek, Namibia for a meeting where Zimbabwe is expected to inform the region about the true situation prevailing in the country and the state of implementation of the Global Political Agreement.

The question of the election roadmap will also come up for discussion where Zanu-PF is saying elections should be held this year and the MDC formations are playing delaying tactics in the constitution-making process in an effort to delay the polls.

Legal experts have said the constitution-making process is an ongoing exercise that should not delay the holding of elections.

The issue of the Sadc tribunal whose mandate and jurisdiction were heavily debated at the Sadc summit last year will also be up for discussion.

Some Sadc member states including Zimbabwe were concerned that some of the tribunal’s rulings were infringing on some national laws and undermining Zimbabwe’s land reform programme, a sensitive issue for Zimbabweans who waged a protracted liberation struggle to repossess their land.

The Sadc summit comes after the Livingstone Sadc Troika summit where leaders had been alarmed after receiving distorted reports on the situation in the country by the MDC-T.

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