
Saturday, May 28, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai’s secret UN plan unveiled

Tsvangirai’s secret UN plan unveiled
Posted by By Brett Mashingaidze at 28 May, at 02 : 26 AM Print

MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, this week made a secret visit to the central African state of Gabon. Tsvangirai’s visit, which was not state-sanctioned, was aboard a private jet last week.

There is no active diplomatic connection between Gabon and Zimbabwe, despite the fact that long-serving Gabonese President Omar Bongo, enjoyed cordial relations with President Mugabe – as members of the African Union.

Omar Bongo was succeeded by his son, Ali Bongo, in August 2009, getting formally sworn in on October 16 after resolution to disputed elections. Until now, the last contact between Zimbabwe and Gabon was in 2007 in Portugal, in the context of the EU-Africa Summit when the late President sought Zimbabwe’s support for the candidature of Jean Ping as Chairman of the African Union Commission.

In February 2008, Ping succeeded Alpha Konare as AU Commission Chairman, with the support of Zimbabwe.

Tsvangirai’s visit attracted suspicion as he did not report the outcome of that meeting or its details to Cabinet, but there is speculation that he is trying to ‘buy’ the influence of that country at the UN Security Council.

Gabon, alongside South Africa and Nigeria, represents the African sub-continent in the United Nations Security Council.

Both Gabon and Nigeria won the right to represent Africa in the powerful world body when Libya was President of the General Assembly, but they went on to support Resolution 1973 which legitimised the Nato assault on Libya.

Against this background, the MDC-T leader’s visit there attracted suspicion and concern in Zimbabwe.

Tsvangirai never shared with the media, Cabinet or the Council of Ministers what he visit was for.

That suggests that whatever it is he transacted in Gabon must have been very classified.


Tsvangirai’s visit has to be read on the backdrop of Gabon’s membership at the UN Security Council and France’s presidency of that UN body.

France, which is said to be leading the “recolonisation” of Africa, assumed the presidency of the UN Security Council, taking over from Colombia. This presidency lasts one month.

President Nicholas Sarkozy, it has been suggested in Zanu-PF quarters in Zimbabwe, will try and push a UN resolution on sending UN observers and possibly peace-keepers to Zimbabwe at the next elections before that country’s presidency at the UN Security Council is over.

Elections are likely to be held at the end of this year.

A UN Security Council resolution will require the support of non-permanent members, Gabon, Nigeria and South Africa; among others.

Tsvangirai flew from South Africa to Gabon. There is speculation that his next destination will be Nigeria at some point in the coming weeks to lobby this country to support a resolution on the country.

Tsvangira’s offensive in Sadc failed to materialise so he is looking to the UN Security Council for support.

Sadc failed to send him an invite at the last Summit in Windhoek, and all hopes that the Sadc region would censure Zimbabwe crumbled.

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