
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Unite against imperialism on Africa Day: analysts

Unite against imperialism on Africa Day: analysts
Posted by By Brett Mashingaidze at 24 May, at 17 : 22 PM

Political analysts say as the continent celebrates Africa Day on this Wednesday, there is need for Africans to remain vigilant in safeguarding the goals, objectives and vision of Africa’s founding fathers against the neo-imperialism of the so called opposition movements and rebels, who are being used by western countries to derail the gains of the Pan-African Movement.

Recent events in West and North Africa show a resurgence of western imperialism and aggression. Politicians, scholars and analysts know that political independence did not mean the end of imperialism as the west’s imperial structures were not dismantled.

President Robert Mugabe is on record for quoting the late great Pan Africanist, Kwame Nkrumah saying, “Only a good imperialist is a dead one.”

With imperialism rearing its ugly head on the African continent again, political analysts have reminded the people that as they celebrate Africa Day, they should remember the strongly anti-imperial vision of the founding fathers such as the late Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Muritana Mohammed of Nigeria , Nasser of Egypt and many other great visionary leaders like President Robert Mugabe, Kenneth Kaunda ,Steve Biko and Samora Machel, who fought a protracted liberation struggle to emancipate Africans from colonial bondage.

Political analyst, Ambassador Chris Mustvangwa said people should be wary of the resurgence of the imperialist, who are trekking back into Africa using divide and rule tactics in their quest to regain control of the continent’s abundant resources.

“As the biggest continent, Africa is entitled to a seat in the United Nations Security Council, but our leaders need to be careful and stop being dangled by the west.

“We have seen UN chair trying to entice Nigeria and trying to divide Sadc to play their ball to get the seat. So as we celebrate Africa Day, we need to solidify and safeguard the resources, which Europe is envying,” said Ambassador Mutsvangwa.

He added that if Africa watches Libya being taken, then Africa will continue to be in trouble.

A military and international relations expert, Retired Brigadier General Felix Muchemwa said Africa Day calls for African leaders to understand the geopolitics and roots of the current wave of destabilisation in some parts of the continent, whereby the west’s interests in regaining control of Africa’s resources is now threatening to erode the vision of the continent’s founding fathers.

“What we are fighting now is a ‘resources war’ with the imperialist, their interest in Africa continues to be that of resources. So what is needed as we celebrate Africa Day is for our leaders to understand the geopolitics whereby Europe’s efforts to erode the vision of pan-African founding fathers has intensified. The so called opposition movements are puppets of the enemy that should not be allowed to ride over the vision of pan-Africanism,” said Dr Muchemwa.

This year’s Africa Day commemorations come at time when the continent is under siege from western machinations with Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and Cote d’Ivoire, being some of the most affected countries.

It is against this background that political analysts have encouraged African leaders to stand up and safeguard the vision of founding fathers in their fight against imperialism.

New Ziana-TZG

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