
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

US civil rights activist urges Zambians to watch their vote

US civil rights activist urges Zambians to watch their vote
By Bright Mukwasa
Wed 11 May 2011, 04:00 CAT

American civil rights activist Joe Beasley has urged Zambians to keep a watchful
eye on this year’s elections. Beasley, an African-American who is the president of the African Ascension, urged Zambians to take keen interest in matters that decide their well being.

“A watchful eye is a good thing just to make sure the elections are transparent,
free and fair,’’ he said. Beasley, who was on a tour of Africa, said African Ascension is an organisation that is dedicated to Afro-centrism.

He said his organisation – the Joe Beasley Foundation – was in talks with the
Electoral Commission of Zambia on its intentions to monitor this year’s

Beasley urged African governments to improve the way they handled their
elections to boost the confidence of citizens.

He advised politicians not to take votes of citizens for granted.
Beasley said he was saddened by the social inequalities currently prevailing in
the country.

“You build high walls to keep poor people away, we blacks are not thieves by
nature,’’ he said.

Beasley, who has visited Zambia three times, condemned corruption and poor
governance, which he attributed to the rising levels of poverty in the country.

“It breaks my heart to see the poverty that hits our people in Africa despite
having a lot of resources. Public corruption is something that needs to be
hounded out. Don’t shield corrupt relatives and cohorts, if you do that then
there’s something wrong,’’ he said.

Beasley urged Zambians to sustain the peace the country was enjoying.
“Do justice, have mercy and walk with the Lord. I want Zambians to stay peaceful
with its beautiful people,’’ said Beasley.

After serving in the US Air Force for 21 years, Beasley has used his legal
education as a criminal justice lawyer to advance the rights of Africans
throughout the world.

In the US, he has been involved in the civil rights movement and worked with
Reverend Jesse Jackson.

Beasley ended his tour of Africa in Zambia after visiting Kenya, Nigeria,
Burundi and Rwanda on Sunday before leaving for the US.

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