
Saturday, May 28, 2011

We need good brains to run the country - chief Tembwe

We need good brains to run the country - chief Tembwe
By Christopher Miti in Chama
Sat 28 May 2011, 03:59 CAT

WE need good brains for this country to develop, says chief Tembwe of the Senga people of Chama district. Speaking when a PF delegation led by Dr Guy Scott, paid a courtesy call on him at his palace on Tuesday, chief Tembwe said people could not reject fellow human beings in life. He said the country could not have “one people” to rule all the time.

“The government normally gives out money but others do not share this money properly. The democracy that started a long time ago should continue because people cannot reject fellow people,” chief Tembwe said.

He also complained that he had been living in a grass-thatched house since 2002 when he was enthroned.

“We admire our friends like paramount chief Mpezeni in Chipata; they have better facilities and better houses. Surely from the time we created this Zambia, it is unbelievable that we should be facing problems of water,” chief Tembwe said.

He said leaders who forget people who vote for them were not good leaders.

He said he was happy that he had known the PF officials and they had known him too.

Chief Tembwe said he could not mention all the challenges that his area was facing to PF leaders saying he could only do that when the opposition takes over government.

The chief who kept referring to Dr Scott as his ‘boy’ even sent his retainer to call his first wife to come and see a white man.

Dr Scott said the PF manifesto had a very strong policy on chiefs.

He said PF would empwer chiefs cpuntrywide.

Scott said the PF was in Tembwe to solicit for votes ahead of the forthcoming tripartite elections.

Provincial chairperson Lucas Phiri said the PF was determined to improve the living standards of the people unlike the MMD which was full of unfulfilled promises.

And headman Phwati said the main problem that the people of Tembwe were facing was the human/animal conflict.

He said it was clear that the government had not helped the local people on the matter.

“This is the biggest cry of the people here. We have always been facing food shortages because our crops are always eaten by wild animals but when we complain we are not listened to by the government,” headman Phwati said.

Some PF members in the area said chief Tembwe did not present the main problems that his chiefdom was facing because he was scared of the MMD members who had earlier asked him to chase the PF delegation in his area.

Dr Scott and his delegation also toured Tembwe rural health centre which had two nurses.

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