
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Catholics question genuineness of government's reconciliation

Catholics question genuineness of government's reconciliation
By Ernest Chanda
Thu 09 June 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE reconciliation with the Catholic Church that government leaders are asking for is not genuine, says a Mansa clergyman.

Mansa Catholic diocese vicar general Father Mambwe Mpasa said in an interview yesterday that MMD and government leaders should first acknowledge that they were wrong before they could talk about reconciliation.

“This is the same government which has accused the Catholic church of instigating the 1994 Rwanda genocide. This is the same government that has insulted our bishops and priests, calling them all sorts of names.

And today, all of them including the President are saying they have never differed with the Catholic Church. Are they being sincere to themselves and to the nation?” Fr Mpasa asked.

“In my opinion this reconciliation they are calling for is not genuine because they are not admitting their faults. I believe that for genuine reconciliation to take place, there must be an acknowledgement from the parties involved that ‘here we were wrong, let us reconcile’.

Equally if it is one party that is wrong, let them also admit that they are wrong before they call for reconciliation. Otherwise if there is no admission of a wrong, what are you going to reconcile about?”

Fr Mpasa said government leaders should admit that they had insulted the Catholic Church and its leaders. He said there was no doubt that the top leadership in the party and government had sanctioned the insults poured on the Catholic Church.

“Some of our leaders are saying that they just attacked certain individuals in the Catholic Church, no, it is not true. This is one of the reasons I personally question the genuineness of this reconciliation. MMD cadres have been insulting us, even ministers.

Honourable Dora Siliya insulted during her tour of Northern Province. If they insist that they just insulted specific individuals in the Church, it doesn’t make a difference,” said Fr Mpasa.

“Mutuka mfumu tatuka imo (He who despises one chief has despised all of them).

Equally if you insult one government leader, you insult all of them. If they insult some of our bishops and priests then they have insulted the whole Church. Let them admit that they have used foul language over servants of God and ask for forgiveness.”

President Banda has been attacking the Catholic Church, accusing it of supporting the opposition political parties.

Government attacks on the Church have also not spared individuals like the Archbishop of Lusaka Telesphore Mpundu, former Mongu Bishop Paul Duffy and Ndola Bishop Alick Banda.

The government has also used a Lusaka freelance journalist to attack the Catholic Church through his documentaries on ZNBC.

And last week, Vice-President George Kunda defended such documentaries which attack specific individuals and institutions, saying it is a good programme.

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