
Friday, June 24, 2011

Divisions rock MMD over C/belt rural adoptions

Divisions rock MMD over C/belt rural adoptions
By George Chellah
Fri 24 June 2011, 07:30 CAT

THE MMD is in a fix over the adoption of parliamentary candidates for the constituencies in Lambaland. Well-placed sources within the MMD provincial executive committee on the Copperbelt yesterday revealed that the party is in a quandary on adoptions for parliamentary seats in Copperbelt rural.

“The problem we have in Lambaland is that there are some aspiring candidates
who are preferred by some senior party officials, including State House,” the source said.

“This scenario has created serious hostility among the aspiring candidates especially in constituencies like Lufwanyama, Masaiti and Mpongwe.”

The source disclosed that there was a big tug of war between aspiring candidates for these three parliamentary seats in Copperbelt rural.

“What even makes the situation complicated is that the incumbent members of parliament who are seeking adoption in these same seats are ministers,” the source said.

“So the battle is basically ministers versus other aspiring candidates, who are equally enjoying grassroot support in these areas. But for some aspiring candidates, it’s like their support even extends to the corridors of power.”

The source said commerce, trade and industry deputy minister Dr Lwipa Puma was facing a serious challenge from losing MMD women affairs chairperson aspirant Annie Chungu.

“It’s not a secret that Dr Puma wants to run again for the Lufwanyama seat, but he faces a serious challenge from Ba Annie Chungu, who happens to have the support of State House,” the source said.

“Don’t forget that Ba Annie is the same lady who stood against Sylvia Masebo for the position of party chairperson for women affairs at the last convention at Mulungushi Rock of Authority in Kabwe.

“And its common knowledge that the President wanted Ba Annie to win but she unfortunately lost to Masebo. Therefore, even in the case of the Lufwanyama seat, obviously State House would also want Ba Annie to be the candidate and not Dr Puma, who quite frankly is facing serious problems in the constituency. Otherwise, we are eagerly waiting to see what will happen”.

The source said some senior party officials were pushing for the adoption of mines deputy minister for the Masaiti parliamentary seat.

“Lands minister Gladys Lundwe is vying to defend her seat but (Jazzman) Chikwakwa is equally eyeing the same seat and we know that there are some senior party officials in Lusaka who want to thrust Chikwakwa on the people of Masaiti,” the source said.

“Their senior party officials argument is that Chikwakwa is stronger than Lundwe among party members in the constituency. But when you look at the primary results, they are showing something else.”

The source said there were similar problems in Mpongwe Constituency.

“Mpongwe is another problem, because works and supply minister Gabriel Namulambe and former State House senior private secretary Rabson Chilufya are fighting to be adopted.

The stories being peddled within the constituency are that Chilufya is more popular than Namulambe because he hails from there whilst Namulambe doesn’t. It’s proper grassroot tribal politics at play,” the source said.

“State House is again linked to the adoption squabbles for the Mpongwe parliamentary seat. We are waiting to see what decision will be made on who should contest the Mpongwe seat on the MMD ticket.

Will Namulambe who is also party chairperson for elections be left out in preference to Chilufya, who until recently was President Banda’s senior private secretary at State House?”

Copperbelt rural has four constituencies with Masaiti having Lundwe as member of parliament, while Mpongwe has Namulambe, Lufwanyama, Dr Puma and George Mpombo for Kafulafuta.

According to MMD sources, the shortlisted aspiring candidates in Masaiti included district chairman Michael Katambo, Lottie Chumpuka and incumbent member of parliament Lundwe.

In Kafulafuta, former energy permanent secretary Peter Mumba has been shortlisted together with George Chishiba and Brian Chitafu, while Namulambe and Chilufya were also shortlisted for Mpongwe.

In Lufwanyama, incumbent MP Dr Puma, Annie Chungu and former district commissioner Miniva Mutesa have been shortlisted.

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