
Friday, June 03, 2011

Don’t let MMD capitalise on poverty - Bishop Chomba

Don’t let MMD capitalise on poverty - Bishop Chomba
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Fri 03 June 2011, 08:20 CAT

ZAMBIANS should not allow the MMD to capitalise on the poverty in the country to manipulate this year’s elections, says Bishop Edward Chomba.

In an interview yesterday, Bishop Chomba of the Orthodox Church said all well-meaning Zambians must look at the forthcoming elections as an opportunity to eradicate poverty by voting for selfless leaders. He said patriotic citizens must unite against selfish and corrupt leaders that were responsible for the bad governance the country was enduring.

“This country needs leaders that will provide the basic needs for the people. It is amazing to hear President Banda boasting about development when they purchase mobile hospitals or commission the construction of urban roads.

People cannot take pride in little developmental activities because of lack of essential basic needs,” Bishop Chomba said. “Development is about enabling families buy mealie-meal whenever it is needed, access clean water, pay for children’s education. Zambians should not accept lip service kind of development.”

He said it was sad that political leaders, especially those in the ruling party, befriended the poor when they need votes to remain in power.
Bishop Chomba said the electorate must be wary of deceitful politicians that had the tendency of distancing themselves from the needs of the people once elected into office.

“If we sell our souls to these selfish leaders in government, real development will always remain a dream in Zambia. Today they are grading roads and trying to deceive people that they are a working government, once you give them your votes all these deliberate programmes they have put up will vanish. Let’s stand firm and demand for genuine leadership. We need leaders that will attend to the needs of the silent majority,” Bishop Chomba said.

He said meaningful democracy and good governance could only be achieved if the electorate realised that utilising the ballot was the only way towards attaining national prosperity.

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