
Friday, June 24, 2011

Government has neglected us - chieftainess Mwape

Government has neglected us - chieftainess Mwape
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Fri 24 June 2011, 04:30 CAT

CHIEFTAINESS Mwape says she cannot keep quiet when her people are suffering.
And the chieftainess has challenged those who want to verify her statement on the lack of development in her area to visit her chiefdom.

Reacting to a ZANIS story quoting senior chief Luembe as having dispelled her earlier statement that the Nsenga traditional leader’s area had been completely neglected by the government, she maintained that the suffering and neglect was there for all to see.

“Why did they go to chief Luembe and not me? Those who want to know the truth should come to me. If government wants to know the truth, it should send anybody from whichever office to find out. I cannot say things that are not truthful,” said chieftainess Mwape of Nyimba district.

She said the biggest problem in her area was the road network.

“You know the highest office directed that the Nyimba-Mwape road be done but it’s like somebody didn’t do the job, so that’s why they are panicking. They might have told the highest office that the road was done.

We are suffering here and I have been quiet but this is my time to talk also. Lomba akuti nikonkhala chelele koma nubvutika,” (they want me to keep quiet yet I am suffering).

According to a ZANIS story that was carried by some local radio stations, chief Luembe said government had built schools and clinics in Mwape’s area.

Chief Luembe said for investors to be in an area it meant there was an agreement with the government of the day and that whatever an investor was doing was in line with government policies.

When People’s Pact Forum acting national chairperson Colonel Panji Kaunda paid a courtesy call on her last Thursday, chieftainess Mwape said there was no hope that the current government could bring development in the area.

“I am not a politician but it pains me to see the way the government has neglected this area. Even in marriage, when every time you are being pushed against the wall, can that be a good marriage?

We are human beings and that’s what they should know and this time I think we have had enough, and enough is enough! we should just look at other things that can help us especially those that can assist my people.

It’s difficult to lead people but our colleagues at the top don’t see the problems that we are going through,” chieftainess Mwape said.

Her statement has unsettled many people in government prompting them to go to chief Luembe to dispel the chieftainess’ statement.

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