
Monday, June 06, 2011

(HERALD) Zaka urged to rally behind Zanu-PF

Zaka urged to rally behind Zanu-PF
Sunday, 05 June 2011 22:49

Zanu-PF National Chairman Cde Simon Khaya-Moyo has urged people in Zaka district to rally behind the only revolutionary party that has the people at heart ahead of the upcoming elections.

Cde Khaya Moyo was speaking at a field day held in Zaka district over the weekend where he told Zanu-PF supporters that the party must reclaim the seats taken by the opposition. He said Zanu-PF was the only party that stood against the British colonisation to liberate the black majority.

He said it was high time people realised that Zanu-PF is the only party with a traceable history and has attained tangible results in fighting for the empowerment of Zimbabweans and neo-colonialism.
"I urge everyone of you to look back at our history. If we revisit our history, we will not give away the country to the British and their opposition parties that have mushroomed this country.

"Zimbabweans must know that this country was won through the combined efforts of men and women of stamina and foresight, the likes of Josiah Tongogara, Edson Zvobgo, Jason Moyo and Herbert Chitepo to mention just a few.

"We must remember that Zimbabwe is a sovereign state which came about through the spilling of blood.

"It is against this background that we have to put this in mind when we select a candidate for the next election and see whether we are selecting a person who will carry forward the ideas of the revolution," he said.

He said the people must not betray the liberation war fighters by inviting the hand of the white men back into our affairs through entertaining Western-sponsored opposition parties.

Cde Khaya Moyo added that Zanu PF was the only party that has advocated for the total control of our resources through indigenisation and empowerment, a move that has created tension with the West who continuously want to control and manipulate Zimbabwe's resources for their own benefit.

Cde Khaya Moyo said the GPA has overstayed and has become a hindering block for the people's party to fully operate since the opposition parties they are working with do not defend or support the wills of the people but rather they put forward the agendas of our detractors.

"As we approach the elections, the GPA must be buried the same way we did to the Sadc Tribunal.

"There is no way we work properly whilst surrounded by sellouts who are working hand in glove with the people who want Zimbabwe to starve through the imposition of sanctions," he said.

He said Zimbabwe was a peaceful country with a lot of minerals and voting for the opposition parties was allowing the country's detractors to meddle in our affairs and to dictate to us what to do.

Cde Khaya Moyo also warned peo-ple against being manipulated and stirring divisions saying that the Unity Accord was an irreversible pact that has brought peace and stability in the country.

"Some want to create tension amongst us, disturbing the unity that was put in place by our founding fathers. They must know that the Unity Accord is a strong pact for the people of Zimbabwe that aims at promoting peace and unity," he said.

Cde Khaya Moyo bemoaned the status of schools in the area in particular Nemauku Primary School which is still facing a lot of challenges despite the disbursement of tdhe Constituency Development Fund.

He said the fact that nothing has been done by the Zaka Central legislator to help the school after being given US$50 000 for the development of the constituency was clear testimony that the MDC does not carry forward the wills of the people and was not progressive.

He however expressed gratitude to the teachers for their total expression that they are patriotic by continuing to soldier on despite harsh working conditions.
"President Mugabe is going to ensure that civil servants are catered for despite efforts by (Minister) Biti to keep on holding pockets," he said.

He added that people must desist from violence.

Meanwhile, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo launched the Zanu-PF Community based National Herd Rebuilding Intervention Programme in Bikita which seeks to restore the national herd and promote the improvement of

better cattle breeds which has declined over the years.

The villagers are to select 50 to 100 best cows, which will be inspected by the veterinary services for suitability to be artificially inseminated.

Cde Khaya Moyo said the programme is part of Zanu PF's concerted efforts to mobilise communities to embark on various developmental programmes.

"People must embrace increasing productivity in the breeding of cattle because there are so many benefits we derive from cattle rearing.

"Cattle are a means of income. Traditionally, owning a cow means you are very rich. Thus we seek to improve our communal herds so that we prioritize on quality on our herds," he said.

Due to the frequency of droughts, Zimbabwe's national herd has been greatly affected and the introduction of the programme is set to boost and revive the quality of cows, meat and draught power.

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