
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Kalombo defends Zambian soldiers in Sudan

Kalombo defends Zambian soldiers in Sudan
By Chibaula Silwamba
Tue 07 June 2011, 08:50 CAT

ZAMBIAN troops in Sudan’s Abyei region conducted themselves professionally and with utmost sense of duty according to the UN mandate, according to defence minister Kalombo Mwansa.

In a press release issued in Lusaka yesterday, in response to a press query by Reuters news agency concerning the conduct of Zambia’s peacekeepers in Sudan, Dr Mwansa stated that the reported criticism against Zambian peacekeepers in Abyei concerning their alleged conduct during the attack of the region was unfair, devoid of fact and ill-conceived.

Dr Mwansa stated that the Zambian soldiers had protected the lives of civilians, their property and that of the UN at the time south and northern Sudan forces were fighting in Abyei.

Dr Mwansa stated that information from troops on the ground in Abyei indicated that the invasion of the area by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) on May 21, 2011 was retaliatory after its convoy was attacked by Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) the previous day, north of Todach.

“From the tactical point of view, in conventional warfare, it is unreasonable and inconceivable, even if this were permitted by the United Nations charter, to expect a Battalion strength force, with limitations in strength and equipment as imposed by UN MoU, to fight pound for pound an advancing fully fledged reinforced division size attacking force as was the case in Abyei on 21 May, 2011,” Dr Mwansa explained.

“The best that is expected of such a battalion strength force is to try to hold its ground while waiting for reinforcement from friendly forces. Again, this is exactly what the Zambian contingent did.

By so doing, the Zambian contingent managed to protect the lives and property of both the United Nations and the civilian population.”

He stated that it was highly erroneous and presumptuous to allege that there was any act of cowardice or failure to protect the civilian population in Abyei in that or any other incident.

He stated that in all peace keeping missions whether under the auspices of the UN or African Union (AU), the Zambia defence personnel had performed exceptionally well.

“As a country, we reiterate our resolve to continue taking part in all future UN/AU peace-keep operations as a matter of duty to the international community,” Dr Mwansa stated.

Dr Mwansa stated that Department of Peace Keeping Operation (DPKO)military advisor Lieutenant General Babacar Gaye on June 2, 2011 visited Abyei and attested to the professional conduct of the Zambian troops in the May incident and refuted the negative allegations.

According to Reuters, the UN is investigating Zambian peacekeepers in Abyei who allegedly hid in the barracks for two days instead of protecting civilians during clashes over the disputed oil-rich territory.

UN diplomatic sources reported that the Zambian soldiers stayed holed up for two days during violent clashes between northern and southern forces that sparked the flight of tens of thousands of civilians.

“They locked themselves up for a couple of days,” a UN diplomat told Reuters. “They were then instructed to come out of their barracks and start patrolling, but they had already lost a crucial 48 hours.”

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