
Monday, June 20, 2011

Lukulu West ULP MP resigns, joins PF

Lukulu West ULP MP resigns, joins PF
By Roy Habaalu in Lukulu
Mon 20 June 2011, 07:30 CAT

Lukulu West ULP MP Eileen Imbwae has resigned from her party to join the PF. During a rally where she announded her resignation from the United Liberal Party (ULP) to the Patriotic Front, Imbwae urged the people of Western Province to be wary of small parties that will only spoil votes.

“I am not bought by anyone, no one can buy me, I am not for sale. When my story changes, Lukulu changes. I fought for development and I’ll continue. There is no way we can be fighting for other people and they get the benefit,” said Imbwae amid ululations from the crowd.

“We can’t be the only ones starting new parties all the time. That’s why I have decided to join the powerful team with strong and wise members and that is PF.

In 2008 MMD promised you that Lukulu will be connected to the national grid and tar the Katunda-Watopa road. To date nothing has happened,” she said.

Imbwae said the province was tired of escorting others into leadership and that it was time it supported PF, a party she said was capable of unseating MMD.

She said there was no one advocating the cessation of Western Province from the rest of Zambia.

“No one wants to secede from Zambia, it’s about honouring promises that created this nation, the Barotseland Agreement of 1964, not killing innocent people.

I have left ULP, I can’t join MMD, it’s only PF that can develop this province and restore the Barotseland Agreement. I don’t move easily and when I do, it’s for a reason,” she said.

She said the government should be ashamed that since independence, Lukulu had no district hospital and people were living like refugees.

Meanwhile, PF vice-president Dr Guy Scott said Western Province needed a government that would create employment.

“You need a government with brains and feelings for the poor and humble people. I can see the hunger for change here, so work together with Imbwae and PF officials to kick out MMD,” said Dr Scott.

He said the change PF was talking about was that of today’s children and subsequent generations living well.

He told people to get everything the MMD gave them but keep their vote a secret.
“Wake up early in the morning on voting day and vote, then drink their beer later. Choose polling agents who can’t be intimidated or those after money, be serious about this election,” he said.

Earlier, Mandevu member of parliament Jean Kapata charmed the crowd when she addressed them in Lozi and said Imbwae had joined a team of fearless women.

The PF delegation included Munali member of parliament Mumbi Phiri, her Chililabombwe, Mporokoso, Chimwemwe, Chifubu counterparts Esther Banda, Maynard Misapa, Willie Nsanda and Susan Kawandami respectively.

Others were Given Lubinda for Kabwata and Christopher Mulenga for Chinsali Central.

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