
Sunday, June 19, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) PF leaders hold rally in Lukulu, ULP MP defects to the party

PF leaders hold rally in Lukulu, ULP MP defects to the party
TIME PUBLISHED - Sunday, June 19, 2011, 9:03 am
FLASHBACK: Mandevu MP Jean Kapata places a red ribbon on Guy Scott

Patriotic Front (PF) leaders Given Lubinda, Guy Scott, Jean Kapata and Mumbi Phiri held a political rally at Fernando Show grounds in Lukulu yesterday. The rally, at which United Liberal Party (ULP) Member of Parliament for Lukulu Eileen Imbwae defected to the PF, was however attended by mostly children.

The action by the PF has invited the wrath of the general public who have been left wondering what type of leaders they have who fail to respect the death of a former president.

“The behaviour by the PF members is inhuman and un-African and clearly demonstrates the lack of respect that the general leaders in that party have for the death. Their members are a group of selfish individuals who want to go to State House at all costs,” Committee of Citizens executive director Gregory Chifire said.

Mr Chifire said in the African culture, people are expected to show respect when death occurs by postponing or suspending all activities of political or entertainment nature.

However, Mr Chifire said the decision by the PF to proceed with their rally shows that the PF members who hated the late president have continued to show their hatred even in his death.

“Clearly, the PF with their leader are celebrating the passing on of DrChiluba because that is what they have been longing for. That is the only reason they could not suspend their Lukulu rally. This behaviour goes beyond barbaric. They are heartless,” he said.

Leadership in Development executive director Moses Kalonde said the PF’s decision to go ahead with the rally reflects immorality.

Mr Kalonde said a lot of activities have been suspended in respect for Dr. Chiluba and the PF was expected to do the same.

“What was so important that the PF members could not wait to hold their rally in respect for the dead? Zambians should reflect seriously on what the PF has done because this shows that its entire party leadership lacks substance and merit to lead the Zambian people,” he said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]

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