
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Masheke calls for review of UN peacekeepers’ mandate

Masheke calls for review of UN peacekeepers’ mandate
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wed 08 June 2011, 04:01 CAT

GENERAL Malimba Masheke says the UN must reform the mandate of peacekeepers to allow them to use necessary force and shoot back when under attack.

In an interview yesterday, Gen Masheke, a former commander of the Zambia Defence Forces, said the current mandate where peacekeepers could not fire back when attacked made it difficult for the troops to protect the civilians.

The Zambia Defence Forces was a combination of the Zambia Army, Zambia Air Force (ZAF) and Zambia National Service (ZNS) before they were separated.

“The mandate of UN peacekeepers must be re-examined to enable them, not only to separate warring groups but also to enforce peace. It must be reformed if it has to serve the purpose,” said Gen Masheke.

“When you are in a peculiar situation in a foreign land to bring peace between warring factions and the others want to overwhelm you, your reinforcement has to pass through other countries and it takes a few days, you should be able to use necessary force to make sure that you enforce your mandate to keep peace which is not possible under the circumstance.”

Gen Masheke said currently the mandate of UN peacekeepers was limited and must be expanded for the benefit of civilians, troops and the global body’s staff.

On May 10, 2011, some suspected tribal armed groups shot and wounded four Zambian soldiers, seriously injuring one, as the peacekeepers were travelling in a convoy in Sudan’s disputed oil-rich Abyei region, which both northern and southern Sudan are claiming ownership ahead of South Sudan’s independence next month.

On Sunday, Reuters news agency reported that the UN was investigating Zambian peacekeepers in Abyei who allegedly hid in the barracks for two days instead of protecting civilians during clashes between northern and southern Sudan forces over the disputed region.

But defence minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa dismissed the allegations, concerning the violent fighting that took place on May 20 and May 21, 2011 between the north and south Sudan forces.

Dr Mwansa said Zambian troops in Sudan’s Abyei region conducted themselves professionally and with utmost sense of duty according to the UN mandate.

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