
Monday, June 13, 2011

Minister fails to explain lion's share of school projects in Petauke

Minister fails to explain lion's share of school projects in Petauke
By Ernest Chanda
Mon 13 June 2011, 07:00 CAT

EDUCATION deputy minister Dr Boniface Kawimbe failed to give a categorical answer in Parliament why Petauke district in education minister Dora Siliya’s constituency has more school projects than the rest of the country.

Petauke, which hosts two MMD members of parliament, namely education minister Dora Siliya and Science and Technology minister Peter Daka for Petauke Central and Musanzala constituencies respectively, has about eight new high and basic schools under construction.

When asked by Chasefu Forum for Democracy and Development member of parliament Chifumu Banda why the ministry was giving a lion's share to Petauke at the expense of other districts, Dr Kawimbe simply said all projects could not be done at one time.

“Construction of schools is a government programme that is ongoing. The Honourabe member should not worry because projects cannot be done at the same time,” said Dr Kawimbe on Friday as some opposition members shouted in unison, “Petauke, Petauke!”

Banda's question was a follow up to a question for oral answer from Chinsali Patriotic Front member of parliament Christopher Mulenga who wanted to know how many basic schools were earmarked for construction in Chinsali parliamentary constituency in 2010 and in which areas they would be located.

And earlier responding to Mulenga's question, Dr Kawimbe said there were two basic schools earmarked for construction in Chinsali, namely Ntamba and Kapululu.

On why the government had not yet released money for infrastructure development in Chinsali as outlined in the annual work plan, Dr Kawimbe attributed the delay to donors.

“The community mode of construction projects were not fully implemented last year, this was as a result of our cooperating partners in the education sector not releasing all budget pledges that were made to the ministry for the 2010 Annual Work Plan and Budget; and this has affected the implementation of the infrastructure development plan for 2010,” said Dr Kawimbe.

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