Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MMD must pack and go - Lukulu induna

MMD must pack and go - Lukulu induna
By Roy Habaalu in Lukulu
Tue 21 June 2011, 04:00 CAT

An induna of the Barotse Royal Establishment at Namayula in Lukulu says the MMD must pack and go because it has neglected the province. Speaking on behalf of chief Anang’anga of Namayula Royal Establishment in Lukulu district, Induna Lilume said the MMD had deliberately neglected Western Province despite voting for it after the whole country rejected it.

Chief Anang’anga, younger brother of Litunga Lubosi Imwiko was represented by Indunas Ilumbela, Imbulangambwa and Akasakule.

“This government, is it only for Chipata, Lundazi? What has MMD done for us since 1964 here in Lukulu? Nothing. Had it not been for the Catholic Church, people would have died. Yesterday, they brought two beds at a health post and told us that that was development. Putting beds in a hut is development? When will we enjoy our resources like other Zambians,” asked Induna Lilume when PF vice-president Dr Guy Scott and his delegation paid a courtesy call on the BRE at Namayula.

“We have been discriminated against, why? Kabwata and Kanyama have big hospitals, why not Lukulu? Zambia is not Lusaka, Chingola or Kitwe. I am speaking like this because people are suffering. We will only vote for people who will develop Barotseland, not MMD,” he said.

He said that MMD provincial chairman Simasiku Namakando told people that Lukulu would never develop because it voted for the opposition.

“Namakando told us that if we vote for the opposition, we will suffer, and for sure we are suffering. He is not with us, he is our enemy. MMD has neglected us,” he said.

“Why is MMD refusing change? They have failed and must go. Dr Kenneth Kaunda left and even them must go, time has come. They will go the way Kaunda left.”

Meanwhile, Dr Scott said the PF government would decentralise the governance system.

He said after the elections, PF would restore the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

“It is not possible to run the affairs of the country from Lusaka. In PF we believe in decentralisation and that each province should govern itself under one umbrella,” said Dr Scott.

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