
Thursday, June 23, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) Army general says PM a 'security threat'

COMMENT - If the Democratic Party received not only financing from the KGB, but the head of the party frequently received instructions from the Russian ambassador, does anyone believe it wouldn't pique the interest of the FBI, CIA, etc? I quote:

"Tsvangirai doesn't pose a political threat in any way in Zimbabwe, but is a major security threat. He takes instructions from foreigners who seek to effect illegal regime change in Zimbabwe,” he said.

"This is what has invited the security forces to be involved because we want to ensure we protect our national security interests.”

Army general says PM a 'security threat'
by Staff Reporter
23/06/2011 00:00:00

THE verbal spat between army chiefs and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai went into top gear on Wednesday with Brigadier-General Douglas Nyikayaramba dismissing the MDC-T leader as a day-dreamer who would never be allowed to rule the country.

Frustrated by what his party sees as the continued involvement of service chiefs in the country’s politics, Tsvangirai recently challenged army commanders to take off their uniforms and openly contest for political office.

“If you want politics, remove the uniform and we will show you what politics is. It is not guns. Stop intimidating people, convince Zimbabweans to vote for you,” Tsvangirai said while addressing supporters in Gweru last weekend.

Again speaking in Barcelona, Spain, at the World Justice Forum on Wednesday, Tsvangirai accused the service chiefs of violating human rights and freedoms.

"Everyday, they (security chiefs) are dabbling in politics, even seeking to influence the date of the election and the conditions under which that election will be held,” he said.

“The problem has … always been a small, parasitic clique at the helm of these institutions that is at the forefront of systemic violation of the people’s fundamental rights and freedoms.”

However, the commander of 3 Infantry Brigade in Manicaland, Brigadier-General Douglas Nyikayaramba, blasted the MDC-T leader, dismissing him as a daydreamer who would never be allowed to rule the country.

"What he (Tsvangirai) is saying is nonsense. Daydreamers who want to reverse the gains of our liberation struggle will continue daydreaming. They can go to hell ... they will never rule this country,” Nyikayaramba told the state-run Herald newspaper.

"We cannot keep quiet. We will continue speaking and as the security forces, we will not sit back and watch things going wrong.”

The army chief, who recently insisted he would never serve under Tsvangirai, said the security services viewed the MDC-T leader as a “national threat”.

"Tsvangirai doesn't pose a political threat in any way in Zimbabwe, but is a major security threat. He takes instructions from foreigners who seek to effect illegal regime change in Zimbabwe,” he said.

"This is what has invited the security forces to be involved because we want to ensure we protect our national security interests.”

Nyikayaramba claimed army chiefs never bated an eye when other opposition parties were formed in the past but said they were concerned about the MDC-T’s involvement with Western powers keen to see Mugabe out of office.

"We had (the late) Abel Muzorewa, (the late) Enock Dumbutshena and other people forming their political parties, but we never had any problem with them. These were indigenous political parties that understood our national interests,” he said.

"As the security forces, we should be worried if we see the British and American machinations. They have already announced that they want to destroy Zanu PF from within, so we should be vigilant. This suggests that they want to re-colonise us.”

He insisted that the security services would ensure that President Mugabe – who turned 87 this year – remained in office stating: “President Mugabe will only leave office if he sees it fit or dies. No-one should be talking about his departure at the moment. He sacrificed a lot for this country.

"We will die for him to make sure he remains in power. We are prepared to stand by our commander-in-chief. Soldiers are not going to sit back and watch, while the foreign forces want to attack us."

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