Monday, June 13, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) Sandton SADC summit communique

Sandton SADC summit communique
13/06/2011 00:00:00

Full text of Communiqué of the Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community, Sandton, Republic of South Africa

12 June 2011

1. The Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) was held at Sandton, Republic of South Africa on 11 and 12 June 2011.

2. The summit was officially opened by His Excellency Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia and SADC Chairperson.

3. The summit was attended by the following Heads of State and Government or their representatives:
Lesotho: Rt. Hon. Pakalitha Mosisili;
Malawi: H.E. Ngwazi Prof. Bingu Wa Mutharika;
Mozambique: H.E. Armando Emilio Guebuza ;
Namibia: H.E. Hifikepunye Pohamba;
South Africa: H.E. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma;
Swaziland: H.M. King Mswati III;
Tanzania: H.E. Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete;
Zimbabwe: H.E. Robert Gabriel Mugabe;
Botswana: H.E. Lt. Gen. Mompati Merafhe, Vice President;
Seychelles: H.E Dr Danny Faure, Vice President.
Zambia: H.E. George Kunda, Vice President and Minister of Justice;
Angola: Hon. Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, Minister of External Relations;
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Hon. Raymond Tshibanda N’tungamulongo, Minister of Regional and International Cooperation;
Mauritius: Hon. Dr. Arvin Boolell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade.

4. The summit was also attended by SADC Executive Secretary Dr. Tomaz A Salomão.

5. In attendance of the Summit was also H.E. Joaquim A Chissano, former President of the Republic of Mozambique, and SADC Mediator on Madagascar.

6. Also in attendance at the Summit was the Right Hon. Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and Hon. Prof. Welshman Ncube, representing Movement for Democratic Change - Tsvangirai (MDC-T), Movement for Democratic Change -Ncube (MDC-N) political parties respectively.

7. Summit considered reports on the prevailing political and security situation in Madagascar and Zimbabwe.

8. On Madagascar, summit noted the outcome of the meeting that took place on 6 and 7June, 2011 in Gaborone, Republic of Botswana, convened by the SADC Chairperson, H.E Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia and H.E. Rupiah Bwezani Banda, President of the Republic of Zambia and Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, and H.E. Joaquim Chissano, former President of the Republic of Mozambique and the SADC Mediator on the Madagascar crisis, as mandated by the Extraordinary Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government at its meeting held in Windhoek, Republic of Namibia, 20 May, 2011.

9. Summit also noted that the Gaborone meeting was attended by eleven (11) political stakeholders from Madagascar, namely: AREMA; ESCOPOL; Les Autres Sensibilités; HPM; MDM; Mouvance Ratsiraka; Mouvance Ravalomanana; Mouvance Zafy; TGV; UAMAD/MONIMA and UDR-C.

10. Summit commended the SADC Chairperson, the Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation for convening the meeting with the Malagasy stakeholders.

11. Summit also commended the people and government of the Republic of Botswana for hosting the meeting.

12. Summit noted that the return of that country to constitutional normalcy is a matter of urgency.

13. Summit also noted that eight out of eleven Malagasy Political Stakeholders have already initialled the Roadmap that is intended to return the country to constitutional normalcy.

14. Summit endorsed the Roadmap to bring Madagascar into constitutional normalcy presented by the SADC Mediator on Madagascar after effecting necessary amendments.

15. Summit urged the leaders of the Mouvances Ratsiraka, Ravalomanana and Zafy to initial the Roadmap expeditiously as soon as the necessary amendments are effected.

16. Summit also urged the High Transition Authority (HTA) to allow Malagasy people in exile for political reasons, to be allowed to return to the country unconditionally including Mr. Marc Ravalomanana.

17. Summit further urged the HTA to urgently develop and enact all outstanding Legal Instruments to ensure the political freedom of all Malagasy in the inclusive process leading to free, fair, and credible elections.

18. Summit commended the Malagasy Political Stakeholders for their commitment to dialogue and finding an inclusive solution and urged them to remain focused on the implementation of the agreed Roadmap in order to urgently fulfil the aspirations of the Malagasy people for peace, stability and socio-economic development.

19. Summit also commended H.E. Joachim Chissano, former President of Mozambique for his tireless efforts in bringing together the Malagasy stakeholders in the search of lasting solution for the current crisis in Madagascar.

20. Summit urged the Organ Troika to remain actively seized of the political situation in Madagascar.

21. On Zimbabwe, summit noted the report of H.E. Jacob G. Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa and SADC Facilitator on Zimbabwe, on the progress made in the implementation of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) in Zimbabwe noting consultations held with the Stakeholders in Zimbabwe on the implementation of the outstanding issues on the GPA.

22. Summit noted the decisions of the Organ Troika Summit held in Livingstone, Zambia in March 2011.

23. Summit mandated the Organ Troika to continue to assist Zimbabwe in the full implementation of the GPA.

24. Summit urged the Organ Troika to appoint their representatives as soon as possible to participate in the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee (JOMIC).

25. Summit mandated the Secretariat to mobilise resources for JOMIC for it to discharge its functions.

26. Summit encouraged the parties to the GPA to move faster in the implementation of the GPA and create a conducive environment to the holding of elections that will be free and fair, under conditions of a level political field.

27. Summit commended H.E. Jacob G Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, and the Facilitator for the Zimbabwe Political Dialogue for his efforts towards the full implementation of the Global Political Agreement.

28. Summit urged the Organ Troika to remain seized with the implementation of the Global Political Agreement in Zimbabwe.

29. Summit recalled its decision taken during the Extraordinary Summit in Windhoek, Namibia in August r 2010, mandating the Chairperson of SADC, the Chairperson of the Organ, SADC Facilitator for the Zimbabwe Political Dialogue assisted by the Secretariat to undertake the mission to the United Kingdom, United States of America and the European Union.

30. Summit received a Report on the mission and noted its recommendations.

31. Summit committed to continue dialogue with the western powers on the removal of sanction against Zimbabwe.

32. Summit expressed heartfelt condolences to the government and the people of South Africa for the passing of Mrs Albertina Sisulu who was laid to rest on 11 June 2011.

33. The Summit expressed its appreciation to the Government and People of the Republic of South Africa for the warm hospitality extended to all delegates and facilities placed at their disposal that made this summit a success.

Issued by: Department of International Relations and Cooperation
13 Jun 2011



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