
Sunday, June 12, 2011

PF ‘rebel’ MPs seek peace with party leadership

PF ‘rebel’ MPs seek peace with party leadership
By Moses Kuwema
Sun 12 June 2011, 08:08 CAT

TWO PF rebel members of parliament for Kabushi and Kankoyo constituencies on the Copperbelt are seeking peace with the party leadership. Speaking in separate interviews, Kabushi Constituency member of parliament M'sichili Lombani said he decided to reconcile with the party after reflecting seriously.

“...I had to seek audience with the president just to tell him how sorry I am for having gone to the NCC National Constitution Conference where the rebel issue came about, so as I speak now I really want to apologise to the president (PF leader Michael Sata), the party and to my people in the constituency in Kabushi for having been a rebel for this period of time.

I wish also to say that I stand ready to campaign for the president. I am still a member of the party that put me in Parliament, which I do appreciate,” Lombani said.

Asked why he made the decision to reconcile with the party at this time of the year, shortly before the dissolution of Parliament, Lombani responded:

“You see in everything there is always a decision which has to be made. After serious reflection on it I thought I had injured the party and it is just time that I make peace with the party that put me in Parliament.”

Lombani said he was not looking for re-adoption but that he just wanted to support the party and make peace.

He said it was not too late for other rebel members of parliament who felt like making peace with the party to also apologise.

And Kankoyo member of parliament, Percy Chanda, said he was sorry for having gone against the party's position over participation in the NCC.

“I am asking for forgiveness from the party structures especially the party officials from Kankoyo and the president for going against the party's stand on the NCC.

Sometimes you really don’t know when you are making a mistake and I think what is important is to make peace with the people that you have offended,” said Chanda. “…you see sometimes we should be able to reflect on ourselves. When you do such a thing, it is important that you take time to reflect.”

And on PF rebel member of parliament for Luapula Peter Machungwa’s statement that all the rebel MPs would not recontest their seats on the PF ticket, Chanda said Machungwa was not in the party hierarchy and had no right to make such a statement.

“That should be left for PF to decide not him to decide. He is just trying to incite the other camp rebel MPs seeking forgiveness, seeing that we are able to make peace and work with the president to show the whole world that actually president Sata is a man who can forgive. This is eating them because they are seeing what is there because they have been preaching that the man does not forgive,” said Chanda.

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