
Friday, June 17, 2011

Rupiah behind Mpongwe adoption problems

Rupiah behind Mpongwe adoption problems
By Staff Reporters
Fri 17 June 2011, 04:01 CAT

STATE HOUSE has been linked to works and supply minister Gabriel Namulambe’s adoption troubles for the Mpongwe parliamentary seat. And Bank of Zambia Governor Caleb Fundanga’s wife, Rosaria, has won primary elections in Chilubi for adoption on the MMD ticket.

Well-placed sources within the MMD provincial executive committee on the Copperbelt yesterday revealed that there was a serious contest in Mpongwe. “Currently, there are problems in Mpongwe. What has happened is that there is a serious fight for that seat between Namulambe and Rabson Chilufya,” the source said.

“I am sure you are aware that until recently, Chilufya was President Rupiah Banda’s senior private secretary at State House. But we are now told that he recently left State House and opted to apply for adoption for the Mpongwe seat.”

The source disclosed that Chilufya applied for the seat and attended the interviews.

“Actually, he has even been going round the constituency mobilising people. We are surprised with where Chilufya has gotten the courage and money he is using to mobilise party officials and cadres in the constituency to back his adoption against Namulambe,” the source said.

“In fact, what has even amazed us more is the failure by senior party officials to intervene in the matter. For instance, we have heard that some senior party officials have been intervening in certain constituencies for the sake of maintaining peace and unity in the party.

“We know of constituencies where certain ministers or deputy ministers have been rejected but some senior party officials have quickly moved in to try and influence the outcome of the whole adoption process just to ensure that those ministers and deputy ministers go through. But what is surprising is that on Mpongwe, everybody seems to be neutral all of a sudden.”

The source said there were divisions within the MMD in Mpongwe.

“It’s a fact that Chilufya is causing serious problems in Mpongwe but no one is standing up against that like they have done in other constituencies,” the source said. “You may wish to know that recently, Namulambe was almost stoned by a group of hired cadres in his own constituency when he was going round. We don’t know the person who organis ed those people.

“How can a minister be subjected to such unruly conduct from cadres, where is the protection? Right now in Mpongwe, there are places where people are threatening that ‘someone will die if Rabson is not adopted’.”

The source said it was clear that State House prefer Chilufya to Namulambe, who is also MMD elections chairperson.

“Those of us who understand politics; can clearly read that this is just a case of State House standing by one of its own. Rabson could not have left his job at State House to contest the Mpongwe seat if his colleagues there State House have not assured him of something,” the source said.

“How many people have left a job at State House to throw themselves into a tightly contested race for adoption like the one currently going on in Mpongwe? This whole scheme seems to have been crafted in favour of Chilufya.”

And Well placed MMD sources disclosed that Rosaria polled 17 votes with her closest competitor Julian Chisupa getting seven.
Chisupa is former MMD member of parliament for Chilubi.

The sources also disclosed the names of applicants in Lusaka Province.
In Munali, Bishop Mtonga was being favoured ahead of a Mr Mwale.

In Lusaka-Central, the MMD sources said Muhabi Lungu was being favoured to stand on the seat.

In Kafue, the sources said area member of parliament Bradford Machila was doing well in the primaries, while the case was the same with Kenneth Chipungu who was reportedly doing well in Rufunsa.

“In Mandevu, Dr Canicius Banda is the favourite to get that one,” the source said.

In Chawama, PF ‘rebel’ member of parliament Sampa Bredt came second to favourite Donald Chilufya.

“In Luangwa where Charles Shawa is member of parliament, they want Patrick Ngoma instead. In Mambilima, the correct position is that John Chinyanta actually defeated David Chanda,” said the source.

In Matero, there was a push by the MMD to have PF ‘rebel’ member of parliament Faustina Sinyangwe adopted.

“We are surprised that she started on a weaker note but she seems to be gaining momentum,” the source said.

And Western Province executive committee sources have accused some officials of collecting money from aspiring candidates and taking them round the constituencies.

Charles Akende, who is MMD Mongu district executive committee chairman and former mayor for Mongu said some provincial executive committee members had preferred candidates who bribed them for easy adoption.

He said it was important that the highest decision making body respected the desires of the grassroot.

“Those officials who got money from aspiring candidates should not be involved in the selection process. If these people are allowed then it won’t be a free process because they would want to pay for the money they got by choosing them,” said Akende in an interview from Mongu.

He said it was unfortunate that some leaders went round with preferred candidates who had tumbled at constituency and district levels.

“If they pick me that’s fine, if not that’s still fine. It’s better to respect the wishes of the grassroot and what they want. I am a cadre and official for the MMD,” he said.

Akende has applied to contest Nalolo constituency under the MMD beating three others at primary level.

Asked what he would do in an event that he was not adopted, Akende said he would support anyone who would be selected.

MMD Nalolo parliamentarian Moses Mwangala says he has decided not to re-contest his seat to pave way for young people.

But Provincial executive committee sources said Mwangala withdrew at the last minute.

“I have decided not to stand but if the situation allows and the party wants me am available,’ Mwangala said.

He said he will support the party throughout because he was a founder member.
But sources said Mwangala was advised to withdraw because his chances of winning were slim.

Meanwhile some Kafue youths have rejected the MMD's recommendation that Bradford Machila re-contests the parliamentary seat.

In a press statement dated June 15 and made available to The Post, Kafue United Youth Alliance (KUYA) president Oswell Simbeye and his secretary Moses Mweemba stated that it was political suicide for the MMD to adopt Machila as he had not performed to the expectations of the residents of Kafue.

“It will be unfortunate and sad if political parties adopt candidates from outside the constituency. KUYA is reliably informed that the ruling party, MMD, at their last constituency and district committee meetings recommended Honourable Bradford Machila to re-contest the Kafue parliamentary seat,” the statement stated.

“However our position is that Machila is not the right candidate. The man in the last five years did not perform to the constituency’s expectations. Hon Machila chose to remain in Lusaka at the expense of the development for Kafue. It is not fair for the MMD to adopt a reject like Hon Machila who has only re-appeared now that there are elections.”

The statement indicated that KUYA would campaign strongly against any political party that would adopt people who are not known in the constituency.

“Development of Kafue has failed to take place because the people are imposed and not chosen on merit. Kafue needs a person who has lived in the constituency for a long time and has broad knowledge about the issues and problems that need solutions,” stated KUYA.

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