
Monday, June 13, 2011


COMMENT - There have been rumours that the UPND is just the MMD. Ideologically they are both neoliberals. The UPND have been attacking the PF but not the MMD. I hadn't known of the degree of the rot though, but it certainly makes sense if you look at their behaviour. I want to know how far the rot goes. If the UPND is just there to poach votes from PF and keep the MMD in power - I say damn them to hell for their betrayal of the Zambian people and the electorate. PF ALL THE WAY. From the mailing lists:

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has instructed the MMD to desist from attacking the opposition UPND during campaigns for this year’s general elections. Highly placed sources within the MMD disclosed that President Banda gave the instruction during the recent MMD caucus held at State House.

“During our caucus which was convened at State House recently, the President himself told us that we should not attack the UPND duringthe campaigns for the forthcoming general elections,” the source revealed.

“The President was quite clear on this issue and the veiled reason he gave for this stance was that unlike PF and Mr. Sata, the UPND and Mr.Hichilema have not been attacking us. What came out clearly from President Banda’s lecture during the meeting was that he was much more comfortable with us attacking PF and Mr. Sata but not UPND and Mr. Hichilema. This in itself gives you an indication of the undercurrents on the relationship between the UPND and the MMD.” The source said President Banda’s change of position on UPND was not surprising.

“When the President was guiding us on how to approach or deal with the UPND during the caucus, some of us were not shocked because we know what is happening in secrecy. President Banda’s guidance actually let the cat out of the bag too quickly and opened the eyes of some doubting Thomases within MMD,” the source said.

“Most parliamentarians who attended that caucus know that secret high-level meetings have been taking place with the view togetting the UPND to our side. So even when we see senior UPND officials tearing PF apart, we know what is at play or the deal that has been struck.

“Just wait for the campaigns to heighten, you will notice that UPND and MMD will seriously team up in attacking PF and Mr. Sata. The idea is to isolate PF and Mr. Sata. Obviously, you have already seen how the UPND top leadership starting from HH himself had conducted themselves so far with regards to PF. Suddenly the talk is like UPND is a branch of the MMD.”

The source said a lot of issues would emerge depending on how the current parliamentary adoption process within the MMD would be handled.“A good number of MPs are just on the fence. They may not gather the courage and come out openly if not adopted but they will definitely try to undermine the President and the party in general,” said the source.

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