
Thursday, June 09, 2011

(ZIMPAPERS) UK spy Heatly crafts election roadmap

UK spy Heatly crafts election roadmap
Sunday, 05 June 2011 01:35 Top Stories
Sunday Mail Reporter

THE much-touted roadmap to the country’s election which is being presented as the “brainchild” of Sadc, is, in fact, a foreign initiative to undermine the GPA, originally authored in June 2009 as the Government Work Programme (GWP) by Charles Heatly — a British spy working under the cover of Adam Smith International (ASI).

This came to light following investigations by The Sunday Mail after the purported election roadmap was signed in Harare by the GPA negotiators on April 22 and endorsed in Cape Town by the SA facilitation team on May 6.

The investigations have unearthed the fact that contrary to the widely held propaganda that the roadmap is a Sadc milestone from the regional body’s Organ Troika Summit held in Livingstone on March 31, the April 22 so-called election roadmap is actually a long-standing initiative crafted only four months after the formation of the inclusive Government as the GWP by the British government through its spy Heatly, who came into the country in May 2009.

Heatly came to head a five-member crack team of illegal regime change experts whose brief was “to map out a strategy of using the MDC-T presence in the inclusive Government to wrest power from the belly of the beast”.

Heatly was deported from Zimbabwe at the end of last year for illegally working in Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s parallel government structures without a work permit.

It is instructive to note that the content of the GWP authored by Heatly and presented by Mr Tsvangirai in Nyanga in June 2009 is exactly the same in every respect as the content of the so-called election roadmap signed by the GPA negotiators on April 22, almost one and half years later.

Sources in the PM’s office say there are about 20 000 copies of the GWP lying idle and gathering dust in Mr Tsvangira’s office.

The British government assembled the Heatly team which has worked on illegal regime change projects in Ukraine, Lebanon and Kenya and deployed it in the PM’s office after the UK, US and EU failed to stop

Mr Tsvangirai from signing the GPA on September 15 2008. The British-inspired regime change coalition viewed the GPA as a bad deal because it did not amount to the transfer of power from Zanu-PF to the MDC-T.

As such, they sought to prevent its signing under the mantra that “it is better to have no deal than to have a bad deal”.

Investigations have shown that while Mr Tsvangirai was always inclined to follow the UK, US and EU directive not to sign the GPA, which was engineered by former SA President Thabo Mbeki, who was really opposed to Western interference in Sadc, he however ended up signing the GPA because it had overwhelming support in the region, the AU and the wider international community.

The support for the GPA was particularly pronounced at the UN in July 2007 when Russia and China cast an emphatic double veto in the Security Council against a UK-authored resolution that sought to make the political situation in Zimbabwe a Chapter VII Agenda item under an incredible presumption that the situation was a threat to regional and international peace.

The message from the UN was that Zimbabweans needed to be left alone to solve their internal problems with assistance from Sadc and the AU.
This understanding gave rise to the signing of the GPA in September 2008.

The then MDC-T spokesperson, Mr Nelson Chamisa, defended his party’s half-hearted signing of the GPA and joining of the inclusive Government in February 2009 by claiming that their strategy was “to grab power from within”.

Analysts say that this strategy and its public declaration by Chamisa was a clear and early indication that just like its UK, US and EU sponsors, the MDC-T did not believe in the GPA in the first place and only signed it as part of a new strategy of “grabbing power from within”.

Commenting on the implications of this strategy, a senior member of the MDC-T who was recently co-opted into the party’s national executive council after losing an election in the party’s violent congress in Bulawayo, told this writer that all along his party’s strategy has been an open secret.

Said the source: “If you look at all the issues we have raised as GPA items for implementation, you will not find any of them in the GPA. You see, all the issues we have raised and presented as GPA issues are really after-thoughts which our foreign partners have brought to our attention and for the attention of Sadc and Zanu-PF.

“This is true about Bennett, Gono, Tomana, provincial governors, security sector and media reforms and that animal called the election roadmap. None of these issues are in the GPA but we have managed to successfully raise them as GPA issues by pressurising Sadc to include them in their various communiqués since the signing of the GPA and we think this strategy has created problems for Zanu-PF especially after the fall of Mbeki and the rise of Zuma.”

After the formation of the inclusive Government in February 2009 the MDC-T used the PM’s office to try and take over the national agenda and control Government business under what was heralded as “100 Day” policy programme.

Ministerial and sectorial seminars were organised by the MDC-T through Eddie Cross sponsored by the World Bank Trust Fund in the hope of shaping the policy thrust of the inclusive Government to “grab power from within”. These seminars culminated in the “100 Days” retreat that the PM hosted in Victoria Falls in April 2009 amid a shocking display of opulence made possible by the donor purse of the UK, US and EU

who were keen to subvert and replace the GPA with MDC-T-authored “100 Days” policy.
Investigations show that not much came out of the MDC-T “100 Days” approach not least because it was contaminated and eventually taken over by Zanu-PF whose officials used their unmatched experience and knowledge to take charge of the programme with the result that the “100 Days” policy became a Zanu-PF project focusing on delivering goods and services to ordinary people.

By May 2009 the British government had successfully advised Mr Tsvangirai not only to ditch the GPA but also to forget about the “100 Days” programme which was too American in design and which had assumed a Zanu-PF identity and content with no chance of “grabbing power from within”.

That is when Heatly and his crack team of British spies were deployed into the PM’s office to chart a new course whose strategy was to create a parallel government structure that was supposed to become the centre of power within the inclusive Government led by Mr Tsvangirai who at the time illegally and falsely claimed to be the head of Government.

The PM’s office then organised a retreat in Nyanga in June 2009 which was marketed as an implementation review of the “100 Days” programme yet it was an occasion to clandestinely launch an MDC-T alternative to the GPA to maximise the prospects of “grabbing power from within”.

Thus, Mr Tsvangirai used the Nyanga retreat not to review the “100 Days” programme but to launch the Government Work Programme (GWP) authored by Heatly who was even in Nyanga with other members of his British spy team.

The political ambiance and content of the Nyanga retreat was so anti-GPA and anti-Zimbabwe and insulting of the President that Zanu-PF ministers walked out with the consequences that the event became entirely an MDC-T affair directed by Heatly who had written the script for the occasion.

It is notable that the GWP authored by Heatly in 2009 as Government programme for 2011 is now being peddled as the “brainchild” of Sadc.

But even more telling is the fact that the same 2009 GWP was presented to and approved by Cabinet on March 9 2010 and tabled in Parliament under chaotic circumstances by the PM in December 2010 as GWP for 2011.

Analysts who spoke to The Sunday Mail over the last six weeks say that it is very scandalous that an anti-GPA British agenda that started as the “100 Days” programme before becoming the GWP is now being seen as a Sadc roadmap to the country’s election.

It is reported that the issue about this so-called roadmap will take centre stage at this week’s Extraordinary Sadc Summit on Zimbabwe scheduled for SA. Analysts say what is particularly disturbing is that the GWP which the UK initiated with US and EU support is now being confused with the GPA which the Americans, British and Europeans have not supported right from the beginning.

What this means, say the analysts, is that if the summit in SA endorses the so-called election roadmap this week, it would be in fact abandoning the GPA that the regional body guaranteed along with the AU in favour of a patently subversive roadmap crafted by a British spy, who is now a prohibited immigrant, working illegally in the MP’s office to “grab power from within”.

Zanu-PF has maintained that the only credible election roadmap is in the GPA and in the Constitution and must be implemented by Zimbabweans.

Yesterday, the MDC-T spokesperson, Mr Douglas Mwonzora said: “The issue of the election roadmap is simple and commonsensical.

“Zimbabweans want free and fair elections that should produce indisputable results. The MDC’s position is that there must be certain measures taken to make sure that we have free and fair elections. These measures constitute the roadmap. The MDC has enough depth to appreciate things like that so the issue of the election roadmap is not anything that is coming from outside the MDC.”

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