
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chiluba died before fufilling commitment, says Rupiah

Chiluba died before fufilling commitment, says Rupiah
By Mwala Kalaluka, Kombe Chimpinde, George Chellah and Patson C
Thu 28 July 2011, 14:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda yesterday said it is unfortunate that Frederick Chiluba died before he could fulfill his commitment to ensure that all MMD candidates win in the 2011 polls.

And President Banda said he will not overburden Vice-President George Kunda by sending him on countrywide campaign tours so that he concentrates on his Muchinga constituency and avoid a bad past experience where a vice-president tumbled in parliamentary polls.

Meanwhile, Mwata Kazembe of the Lunda people of Luapula Province has asked the MMD to rescind their decision to adopt Sunday Maluba as parliamentary candidate in Mwansabombwe.

During an introductory meeting of those adopted to contest on the MMD ticket in the forthcoming parliamentary elections at Lusaka’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre, President Banda said the intra-party meeting marked the beginning of the ruling party’s electoral campaign.

He said his address to the adopted candidates on behalf of the national campaign committee yesterday was done prior to the announcement of the elections date.

“This marks the beginning of our campaign,” President Banda said.

“Unfortunately, we lost former president Chiluba who had committed himself to totally campaigning with us to ensure that each one of us wins the elections.”

President Banda said he was, however, happy that the MMD still had staunch members like former Republican vice-president Enoch Kavindele, amongst its ranks.

President Banda, who said he was excited to severally and individually address a big number of MMD parliamentary candidates, said the campaign for the 2011 elections would be passionate.

“A lot of things will be said but we are focused to win this election,” President Banda said. “If you really love your party, don't leave it. There is always a future for you as long as you remain consistent.”

President Banda said since the current Zambian Constitution provided that even one vote above a competitor could decide whether someone had won or lost an election, every vote would count.

He said the burden of stretching a hand of friendship to the unsuccesful contenders lay with those that had been adopted by the party. President Banda said he knew the adoption process had been a big fight.

“When you go into a fight, a friendly political fight such as this one, you expect to win or lose,” President Banda said. “We shall need every vote as we face the opposition forces.”

President Banda said the adopted candidates should ensure victory and that the MMD should warmly welcome all those from other political parties that had honestly opted to contest seats on the MMD ticket.

“All the hard work you have put in your campaign can all go to waste if you don't guard your vote very jealously,” President Banda said, adding that the MMD knew all the 'new comers' to the party.

“We know the role that you have played in order for you to warrant and deserve to be selected,” said President Banda as some PF ‘rebel’ parliamentarians and others from UPND applauded. “We are sure that you are going to win us those seats.”

President Banda urged the adoptees to properly take care of the polling agents.

And President Banda said he was thankful that Vice-President Kunda had been selected to contest his Muchinga seat.

“It is important that the Vice-President also goes through. We have had a bad experience before,” President Banda said whilst directing his gaze at Vice-President Kunda. “I am sure that the people will reward us by returning or electing the majority of us.”

Earlier, MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe said the meeting was meant to give the party an opportunity to know the people that had been adopted as parliamentary candidates.

And Maj Kachingwe said he allowed the press to cover the presentation by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to the gathering in the interest of transparency.

ECZ legal counsel Mulemba Mulenga, who was invited to give a talk, urged MMD adopted candidates to subscribe to the provisions of the code of conduct during its campaigns and ensure that as the ruling party they helped the ECZ in the process.

Mulenga said it was imperative that the political parties adhered to the electoral code of conduct to ensure conducive and peaceful elections.

“The electoral code of conduct basically sets out rules agreed upon by all stakeholders in a manner that all the stakeholders conduct themselves. The code of conduct urges us to conduct campaigns in a peaceful manner. In doing so, we are urged not to incite violence,” Mulenga said.

He also urged the MMD to refrain from continuously camping in places designated as polling stations. Mulenga said the ECZ had now been provided with powers to reprimand any party found breaching the code and to revoke accreditation of elections agents consistently found breaching the same.

She said this would be done in the interest of public safety.

Mulenga further asked political parties to fully utilise the 72 district electoral conflict management bodies to resolve any election dispute.

Meanwhile, Mwata Kazembe has asked the MMD to rescind their decision to adopt Sunday Maluba as parliamentary candidate in Mwansabombwe.

Well-placed MMD sources disclosed that Mwata Kazembe had made contact with President Banda and other MMD senior leaders including Major Kachingwe indicating that he did not want Maluba.

“He says he does not like Maluba because he insulted him. In fact, he has made it certain that MMD will lose in Mwansabombwe if we go with Maluba. He has vowed not to campaign for Maluba. He favours Peter Chanshi,” the source said. “But according to the information we have gathered, the same Chanshi is a PF sympathiser who applied to be adopted on the PF ticket.”

However, he said he did not want to bring the Mwata into the politics.

When reached for comment yesterday on assertions that he prefered Chanshi to Maluba, Mwata Kazembe responded: “Yah, I think even in a home you have got… I think you can have may be six children. Out of all of them there should be one who is your favourite. But they are all my children.”
And another source wondered why Mwata Kazembe had been given the privilege to interfere with the adoption process.

“This will have a very bad ripple effect within our traditional leadership circles. You know how sensitive chiefs are so if we abide by the Mwata’s demands then the other chiefs will feel insulted and disrespected. They may even feel lowered,” the source said. “Already we have a problem in many constituencies where the chiefs have not approved the adopted candidates. So how will they feel when they see that we have implemented Mwata’s demands?

“You know that Mpezeni has rejected Angela Cifire. Chief Magodi also rejected our candidate in his area. It should be our candidate for Chasefu constituency if I am not mistaken and senior chief Ishindi equally rejected the candidate we have adopted. So how will Mpezeni, chief Mangodi and chief Ishindi, among other chiefs, react when they see this Mwata dimension? No wonder certain senior people within the party are now asking that ‘what is so special about Mwata?’”

Meanwhile, the source disclosed that Maluba was even denied entry into the Mulungushi Conference Centre yesterday by Maj Kachingwe.

When contacted for comment, Maluba responded: “I am just waiting. Actually I entered Mulungushi but the national secretary had asked me that there was still some consultation going on so he will advise me later in the day.”

During his address, Maj Kachingwe said there was no adopted candidate for Mwansabombwe constituency because it was still in abeyance and that the party was still consulting.

He also said there was a vacancy in Nangoma following the death of the adopted candidate.

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