
Monday, July 25, 2011

Corruption has compromised BRE, charges induna Mulubani

Corruption has compromised BRE, charges induna Mulubani
By Roy Habaalu in Mongu
Mon 25 July 2011, 13:59 CAT

CORRUPTION has compromised the administration of the Barotse Royal Establishment, says an induna. In an interview Mukumbuta Mulubani, who is induna Akashi of Mushi-mutata village, said some Indunas were paid to tell their people to vote for the MMD, a party that had killed their people.

The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has written to Indunas telling them to inform their subjects to attend a meeting tomorrow at the Limulunga palace where it is expected to announce that the government will restore the Barotseland Agreement if they voted for President Rupiah Banda.

“No one will accept what they will say. Not even a single person will listen to that. Barotseland is Barotseland,” Induna Akashi said.

“Some Indunas have been bribed by the government. If it was a national council, it cannot do all those things because they (BRE) didn’t consult people. People are not aware of meetings between BRE and the government. There is too much bribery, corruption is too much,” he said.

He said the Kingdom of Barotseland had its own government.

“So all that those Indunas will be saying is fake. For them (BRE) to tell people that vote for President, it’s too late. Batu babashwile bo, bakabaeza cwani? (What about those who died, what will they do about them?) There is no need and it’s against tradition,” he said.

He said the indunas didn’t know what they were doing and would only annoy the people.

“Police officers have been killing people. There is no peace in Zambia, and I am telling you it’s all parts of Zambia where people are complaining. It’s not only Barotseland. So the government should embrace everyone,” he said.

He said there would be no ‘One Zambia, One nation’ as long as the Barosteland Agreement was not recognised.

“How can there be private visits to State House that are not known to the people. In our tradition, whenever the Litunga goes out, people are told why he’s gone out, but nowadays we don’t see that. I don’t understand. MMD should not think they are the god of Zambia, no!” said induna Akashi.

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