
Monday, July 11, 2011

Defections to PF show change is inevitable - Katati

Defections to PF show change is inevitable - Katati
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Mon 11 July 2011, 12:01 CAT

THE massive support the PF is enjoying in the country clearly demonstrates that majority Zambians want change of government, according to the PF in Mufulira district.

In an interview, Mufulira district PF chairman John Katati said it was encouraging that the party had become stronger and more popular than ever before especially on the Copperbelt Province.

Katati said the recent defection of more than 600 UPND members together with senior district officials in Mufulira who recently joined the PF confirmed the fact that change would be inevitable after this year’s elections.

“It would be unreasonable for anyone to say or think that these defections are just out of excitement. People are making these defections out of principle and the suffering they have endured because of inept governance. Everyone wants to be part of change of government because it is for a good cause. We need to be united and fight bad governance,” Katati said.

He said the MMD and other political parties had never been popular in many parts of the country, especially on the Copperbelt, because they believed in what the PF was capable of doing after taking over government power.

Katati said people who had defected to join the PF had been commended for making a significant and bold decision, adding that the country would only be served from collapse at the hands of the MMD if many people took the new path of change of government.

“We need to work together, and when we receive new members from other political parties, we give them utmost love and care because this mission of change of government will only be achieved if we are united in support of the PF and it’s leader Michael Sata,” Katati said.

About 600 members of the UPND, including senior officials in Mufulira district, have defected to join the PF.

Among those that led the defectors were the district vice-chairperson Bwalya Chinda, district chairman for propaganda Simon Banda, publicity secretary Trywell Ndhlovu and Justine Chisenga, who was the district secretary and women’s secretary Annette Chewe Lukonde.

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