
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ex-Lamba chief seeks PF adoption in Masaiti

Ex-Lamba chief seeks PF adoption in Masaiti
By Abigail Chaponda and Fridah Nkonde in Ndola
Sat 23 July 2011, 13:59 CAT

IMMEDIATE past chief Chiwala of the Lamba people Kenneth Mpengula has applied to contest the Masaiti parliamentary seat in Ndola rural on the opposition PF ticket. Mpengula, who was chief Chiwala from 2002 to 2008, confirmed in an interview yesterday that he was standing on the PF ticket after he was interviewed at provincial level.

He said the wind of change was blowing in PF’s favour and that it was time that the MMD government gave room to another party like PF to rule.

“It is time that Zambia had a president and a government that is more people-sensitive unlike what is currently happening in the country,” he said.

Mpengula who is standing against his son-in-law Michael Katambo who has been adopted to stand on the MMD ticket, said he was confident that he was going to win the elections because Lambas wanted him to stand on the PF ticket.

He said Lambas had become more sensitive on what was happening in the country and that they no longer wanted to vote for MMD. Mpengule said PF was going to have more votes in this year’s elections because a lot of people had realised that MMD had nothing more to offer.

“The projects that MMD are talking about are micro; they are not talking about how to put food on the table for people. In my chiefdom, a lot of people have been living in poverty for more than 15 years and the MMD government is not doing anything about it. This is the more reason Lambas approached me and told me to stand on the PF ticket so that their lives can be improved,” he said.

Mpengula said he had stayed away from politics but after seeing that the MMD government was not doing enough for its people, he decided to come back on the political arena.

“Before late president Levy Mwanawasa died, he offered me a job in foreign service. I refused. MMD approached me to stand on the MMD ticket and I refused. The Lamba Elders’ Chief of Council called me and told me to stand on PF and I accepted because I knew that PF is going to win the elections this year,” he said.

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