
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ex-MMD candidate for Mufumbwe joins PF

Ex-MMD candidate for Mufumbwe joins PF
By Patson Chilemba
Sat 23 July 2011, 13:59 CAT

Losing MMD parliamentary aspirant in Mufumbwe Constituency Gabriel Mukonde has resigned from the party to join the PF. In an interview yesterday, Mukonde said Stephen Masumba, who he said the MMD’s national executive committee (NEC) had “imposed” on the people of Mufumbwe would not win the elections.

“He has got no relationship with all the three chiefs. First of all, the boy is very cheeky. Rupiah Banda has disappointed all the three chiefs of Mufumbwe to give them Stephen Masumba who has got no respect for the elderly people,” said Mukonde. “He has no respect for the MMD district executive committee. Now, how are they going to campaign for him?”

Mukonde said he was confident that the PF would make inroads into North-Western Province this year because President Banda was generally losing support across the country.

And chief Chembe of Mkushi district said the MMD would lose in Mkushi North and Mkushi South because the candidates they had picked in the area were all Bembas and not Lalas.

He said in an interview yesterday that the Lala chiefs were upset over the non-adoption of their indigenous sons and daughters.

“The people they have chosen will cause the opposition to go through because they adopted candidates are not wanted by the people. In Mkushi North, the people want gender deputy minister and area member of parliament Lucy Changwe. We also want gender representation. A lady should be adopted in Mkushi North and a man in Mkushi South,” chief Chembe said.

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